Chapter 43: Its a Deal

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I went home and laid in my bed and was debating if I should put pajamas on. Dally came and laid besides me, "we should go to bucks tonight. Ya know get all dressed up for the last time in awhile." He said promising.
"I don't want to have to drink though." I looked down at my flat belly.
"Then just don't drink. I won't drink either." He said. I simply rolled my eyes.
"Trust me you'll regret saying that later." I laughed.
"Trust me I can go the whole night." He rolled his eyes.
"I bet you couldn't." I sat up.
"If I can last the whole night, you have to do anything I say for a week." He said.
     "If you can't you have to do whatever I want for a week as well." I smirk knowing I'll win.
     "Sounds like a deal." He offered his hand and I shook it.
      I shifted through my closet. I threw on a tight navy blue dress knowing I won't be able to wear anything tight very soon. (Picture above). I walk towards my mirror and glance over my body. I think about how pretty this dress is. And that's when my mind started to wander. It's the dress that makes people approach you. Sure looks matter, but if someone sees a very tight fitting dress they are more likely going to want to talk to them. Is that what makes people want to be around me? Is that the reason Dally likes me. Because of my looks?
    Wait what am I thinking he wants to marry me of course he likes me more then he likes my looks. He chose me. He could've had any other girl, but he chose me. What makes him want me?
    "Hannah" dally yelled for me from downstairs.
     I walked downstairs to see Dally in his same clothes but he fixed his hair to give a nicer appearance. "Don't you look amazing." He looked me up and down grabbed my hand and spun me in a circle and then planted a kiss on my lips.
     "Why thank you." I smiled and looked at him. We walked out to the car and we both got into our sides. I got into the passenger side as he got into the drivers side. "Dally why do you like me?"
     "Why wouldn't I like you." He smirked at me.
     "Well what are some reasons." I blushed and looked at my shoes.
    "I love how strong and confident you are, you aren't afraid to be you and you are definitely not afraid to tell people your opinions. I love how you look at me, and not as in at look at me although there's a lot to look at, you can sense the good in me even though I believe there is none. You are always there for me. And there's so many other reasons, like ho I can goof off with you." He smiled I rubbed my shoulder as he began to drive off.
     "Thank you Dally that makes me feel really nice about myself." I blush and look at him as he concentrated on the road.
     "Oh and definitely your ass." We both chuckled.
     "Oh same for you." I bit my lip as he looked at me.
     "This is why we are going to have a child." He rolled his eyes and smiled and focused back on the road.
     "Oh yea I'm the reason." I chuckle and look at him.
     "Well I mean you are." He looked at me up and down.
     "I'm pretty sure your the one that can't resist me." I smirked.
     "Well if you look like that, hell yeah." He chuckled then pulled into bucks.
     "Now remember no drinking tonight." I smirked at him.
      "Like I said no big deal." He opened the door then smirked at me.

      We both walked into the bar and the smell of alcohol lingered through the air. The thought of not being able to drink made the smell a hundred times stronger. A lady walked pass Dally and I with two shots of vodka and I already wanted to drink; I can't even imagine how he feels.
     "No big deal you say." I laugh as I see him practically drooling over a drink that was right in front of him.

Okay apologies, this is very short but it's something. I feel so bad for not posting in what feels like years so my apologies I'm trying. Have a nice Christmas❤️

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