Chapter 35: The Casino

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      We finally arrived in Las Vegas. Two bit slept way from way more of the ride then I would've thought. He slept for eleven hours not all at once but overall he slept eleven hours out of the seventeen hour car ride. I slept for a good six maybe seven in total. Thankfully Dally didn't fall asleep while driving or we would not be in Vegas.
     As we walked up to the hotel I heard a sudden "ow!" Come from two bit, "what the hell man why'd you have to hit me like that?" He looked like he was about to hit him back.
      "Chill man just following the instructions." He pointed to his forehead and I couldn't contain my laughter.
      "You did this?" Two bit said running up to me.
      "It was Dallys idea." I laughed running inside.

      Once we got to the hotel we booked only three rooms. That means three people in each room. We had trouble discussing the plan.  It was going to be me steve and Caitlin but steve wanted to be with soda and not caitlin and I didn't want to be with soda. He still likes to flirt with me a lot and I can't handle that. Johnny and Ponyboy decided to just stay with Darry so they were covered. "Why don't we just share a room with the people we drove here with." I suggested.
      Caitlin made eyes at me then looked disgusted, "I'm not going to be with Steve." She whispered. "I'm starting to go steady with Lucas and I think he'll make some flirtatious comments." She said quietly once again.
      I nudged two bit as he stood next to me then whispered, "say you want to be with Steve and soda!"
      "I want to be with Steve and soda." He lightly hesitated.
      "Okay so Darry pony and Johnny in one room. Steve soda and two bit in another. Then last but not least me Caitlin and Dally in the last." I planned out. Everyone nodded in agreement as we all walked to our rooms. Dally decided to go get our bags so Caitlin and I went into the room.
      "You seem too chill about being with Dally. What's up between you two?" Caitlin said sitting on the bed. "And is that his sweatshirt!" She raised her voice in a thrilled matter.
      "Okay fine. We're dating again but you can't tell anyone! Two bit already knows he practically said it for us." I threw my hands up like I was begging her.
      "This is so exciting. I'm so happy for you guys!" She jumped off the bed and hugged me tightly. Dally walked in the door and she smiled at him.
      "Your too happy." He threw the bags on the floor. "I need to sleep." He was super tired. Firstly he was up for seventeen hours. And it's one a.m.
      "Okay but first I'm super happy for you!" Caitlin giggled.
      "What'd you tell her." He rolled his eyes at me extra cranky probably from the lack of sleep.
       "She found out herself." I told him.
      "Fine. At least that means we can share a bed." He huffed.
      "No funny business." Caitlin said as she laid in her own bed.
      "Yea yea now shut up so I can sleep." Dally laid in bed and I laid beside him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in the crook of my neck. "Night hannah." He whispered.
      "Night Dally." I kissed the top of his head. Sooner or later I slowly drifted off into a nice peaceful sleep.

      Caitlin woke us up by yanking the curtains wide open. She was already dressed in a Carmel colored skirt, matched with a white Lacey tank top and a small sweater. She was wearing pretty brown heels and had her hair into a cute messy bun (picture above).
     I heard Dally groan as he lifted his head. He kissed my cheek then walked into the bathroom. I threw on some camo printed shorts and a plain blank tank top. I put on green converse and a black hat. (Picture below).
      Dally walked out of the bathroom just in time for me to go do my makeup. I did a natural kind of makeup that matched my out precisely. Once I walked out Dally whistled, "man are you hot." He looked at me up and down. I walked over to him and kissed him.
     "Leave the pda for when I'm not here okay." Caitlin laughed. "Now hurry up or we'll be late."

     For the first part of the day we're all going to eat lunch then we're going to some place Darry all wanted us to go. It's some museum that sounds boring but I guess I'll go cause later I'll have plenty of fun.
     We all arrived at lunch and I sat next to Caitlin and Dally ready to order. The waitress walked over to us not having the slightest bit of confidence. She stuttered at every word as she took our order. "Sorry if I-I am st-stuttering it's just m-my first day." She said with a smile.
      After she apologized two thought it was the right time to make a move. Although we're in Vegas he is still flirting. Okay. She was right up his ally. She had perfectly cut brown hair with  blonde highlights and the prettiest eyes. Too bad she lives in Vegas. "Are you from around here?" She smiled at him leaning closer to the table.
      "Well not exactly. I've got a place back in Tulsa Oklahoma. Only a seventeen hour drive ya know." He joked.
      "I just came from around there actually. I'm out here for a little with my sister. She's in the hospital some really nice one. She got into a car crash and needs major help. I'm just working out here so I can afford some of the bills." Her large smiled turned into a frown.
      "Hey I'm really sorry about that man I hope she gets better." He grabbed her hand and rubbed it still flirting.
      "She's getting better actually might get cleared in the next month." She smiled faintly at him.
       "That's good. Hey I haven't caught a name and a number yet." He eyed her up and down.
      "I'm ivory but my friends call me ivy. And here's my number what is it again?" She asked pandering for his name.
      "Keith but please call me two bit." He grabbed the little piece of paper. "I'll call you sometime."

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