Chapter 40: Growing Up

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After spending a moment together Dally and I began to walk downstairs to hang out with the gang. Before we went down I began to hear a girls voice. "Who's that?" I asked leaning down to try and see who it was but I could only see the back of her head.
"Does someone have a new girl?" Dally asked as we stood at the top of the stairs.
"I guess we barely ever spend time with them unless we're fighting." I shrugged. We walked down the stairs trying to see who the girl was. As we entered in the room she whipped around. We seen ivy from th diner in Las Vegas with mascara running down her face looking mad at us as we walked in. She whipped back around and continued to cry.
      "You guys remember ivy right?" Two bit asked us.
      "How could we forget the girl you hit on in Vegas on our first day." I say sitting on the couch with Dally sitting right next to me holding my hand. And just then it hit me nobody even knows we're dating yet alone married.
       "Why are you guys holding hands?" Soda obviously was the one to notice.
       "We are dating." I say looking up at Dally then to the gang.
       "I knew it!" Steve yelled jumping.
       "If you don't mind me asking what's up with ivy?" I said whispering to pony who was sitting besides me.
      "I don't even know she just started crying when two bit got a beer and didn't sit directly by her." He kind of tried to hide his laugh.
      "Sounds like an attention whore." Dally whispered.
      "Are you guys talking about me?" She got all mad and threw her hands in the air.
      "No I swear we aren't." I lied.   
      "Tell them to stop talking aboyt me." She complained.
"Guys be nice shes clearly upset." Two bit said.
"I don't do nice." Dally rolled his eyes
"Why is she upset." I rolled his eyes.
"My sister is still in the hospital." She cried.
"That's too bad ivy let me get you some water." Darry said.
"Seems fake to me." Dally whispered to me.
"Just like Sylvia." I rolled my eyes at him and looked at the rest of the gang.
"You know what guys I think im going to go home and lie down." She rubbed her head as she sat up.
"Why don't you join us all for dinner tonight you won't have to serve this tiem." Two bit said as she was leaving.
"Okay I'll be back at six." She smiled then walked out.
"Isn't she the sweetest." Two bit said as he leaned against the door.
"She seems just as sweet as Dally." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh like you're any better." He playfully pushed me.
"I'm not the one pushing someone am I?" I laughed.
"You're too scared to push me." He mocked me.
"Oh really?" I say pushing him to the floor. He dragged my feet and brought me down alongside of him. I put my legs on both sides of him and lightly punched him. He grabbed my hands and sat up and kissed me.
"Get a room." Ponyboy gagged.
I got off of Dally and just walked into the kitchen. "Oh hey Johnny how you doing?" I smile as I grabbed a beer from the fridge.
I heard Dally talking to pony in the room as Johnny lightly said, "I'm good how are you Hannah?"
"I'm doing fine." I smiled.
      "What's going on?" He asked.
      "Nothing Dally is just making me really happy." I smiled once again.
      "Oh yea what's he doing?" It's almost like he knew what has been happening.
      "What do you know?" I asked suspiciously.
      "Nothing I just know he's really happy too." He smiled.
      "Oh okay." I walked out of the room and he followed me. I stopped in my place and looked at Dally laughing with the gang. Man so haven't seen him so happy in a long time. I guess I can put off my news for a while. I walk in and immediately join in the laughter. I sit by my twin steve.
     "I feel like we all haven't just hung out here in a long time." Caitlin said.
     "We need to start hanging out more." Soda said giggling.
     "I guess we've all been busy. We're growing up guys." I frowned looking at the floor.
     "Yea I guess we've all known each other since we were kids and now look at us the youngest is fourteen. And mostly everyone is dating someone." Darry said looking around the room.
    "Do you remember when Dally first came to town when he was only eleven and we was ten I remember how flustered you'd get around him now look at you two." Steve said messing up hair.
"No but remember that time when we were fifteen and pony just turned thirteen and we all went to the park and we watched the sunset with him for the first time." Johnny smiled.
"Yea Johnny that was a real fun time." Pony boy said.
"Remember that time when we all went on our first trip and you guys threw caitlin and I in the water." I laughed.
"Of course I do that was last year and i got to throw you in." Dally winked at me.
"What a freak." I laughed.
"Do you guys remember our first thanksgiving together and Darry accidentally set the turkey on fire so we got take out and watched Mickey Mouse." Two but laughed.
"The packaging said it needed to cook for five hours!" He yelled.
"Yea if it was 24 pounds we had a 22 pound turkey that needed to be cooked for four hours." Dally laughed.
"Who knew you were the turkey expert." Darry rolled his eyes. And that's how the night went us all telling stories about our past. Man it was fun.

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