Chapter 19: All Good

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      The warm hands were to tightly Grasped onto me. I turn my head slightly and see Dally ready to cry? Dally never cries. What's going on? "Dally?" My voice cracked from the crying I've done.
    "Hannah what the hell are you doing?" He took one hand off of my shoulder then grabbed the knife from me.
    "I don't know." I lied looking at myself in the mirror then up to Dally who looked miserable. "Why are you even here? Why do you care what I do not like you love me." I let more tears fall onto my neck.
     "Tell me what you were doing." He demanded.
     "I don't know I'm just depressed." I couldn't bare to look at him even through a mirror anymore. I dropped my head to look at my barefoot feet.
    "Just depressed Hannah this doesn't look like you just depressed how long has this been going on?" He asked attempting to look at my wrist but they didn't have any marks on them.
    "I told you I needed you." I whispered.
   "Yeah and I'm an idiot that didn't know this is what you meant." He turned me around and lifted my chin up. "Hannah I've been searching for you I'm a complete idiot and I should've stayed I don't know what I was thinking."
    "I missed you." I stared at him.
    "Hannah you can talk to me if you need me." He brought me closer.
    "You weren't here to talk to Dally." I looked away again.
    "Yea I'm an idiot." He grabbed the back of my head gently and brought into his chest then wrapped his arms around me.
     "You are. How'd you know I was here?" I asked.
     "The gang told me you left I assumed you came here." He kissed the top of my head.
    "So were good?" I ask.
    "We're good." I looked up to see him smile.

    I woke up confused. I don't remember going to bed at all. The last thought I remember was dally coming to save me I guess you could say. I've been in a lot of problems lately. I rolled to my side adjusting myself when I seen Dally laying besides me.
    "Good morning." He rubbed his thumb across my cheek.
    "Morning." I shut my eyes taking everything in. I started to get filled with negative thoughts again.
    "Are we going to the Curtis house today?" He asked.
    "We can." I gulped.
    "Well we can stay in bed for a little longer." He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

    I eventually got up to get dressed for the day and chose a small green tank top and green shorts to go along with it. I grabbed whit converse then did lighter makeup. (Picture above). "Ya ready?" I ask with a smile.
     "Ya lets go." He grabbed my waist gently and led me out of the house. "where's the other randle?" He ask looking around.
     "I was with you how am I supposed to know." I laughed. Then I heard movement from upstairs. "I think he's home. Let me go say hi." I walked up the stairs and made my way into his room to be completely shocked.
     "Hannah! There's a thing called knocking!" He quickly out the covers over him and some girl.
    "Oh sorry. Dally and I are going to the Curtis house. Have fun!" I laugh leaving the doorway. "And theres also a thing called locking the door." I walked down the stairs dying of laughter.
    "What happened?" He wrapped his arm around my waist again trailing behind me.
    "I just walked in on Steve and some girl." I laughed again.
    "You know her?" He said through a hot New York accent.
   "No." I told him "you probably do." I rolled my eyes and said quietly.
   "I'm not deaf." He chuckled.
   "Oh so is the technical term selective hearing?" I laughed at myself.
   "Whatever." We walked out of the house.

    "What up everyone!" I yelled as I slammed the door.
    "Hey Hannah and Dally!" Johnny exclaimed. I think everyone was a little confused on how up beat I was. Literally yesterday I had so many mental breakdowns but what can I say. Dally led me to the couch and pulled me onto his lap.
    "I missed you." I leaned my head into the crook of his neck.
    "I was gone for a day." He laughed.
    "I wasn't ready for you to be gone." I laugh.
    "Hannah's becoming soft!" Soda yelled.
    "I am not!" I sprung up. "I'll fight you right now."
    "Try me." He playfully rolled his eyes.
    "Not a good choice of words buddy." Steve walked by patting his back. Before soda could even ask why he was pinned to the ground.
     "Let me go!" He yelled.
     "Say I'm not soft!" I replied.
     "Fine! Your not soft." I got off of him and rubbed my hands off then walked back to Dally.
    "Your so hot when your mad." He kicked his lips.
    "Your so hot." I sat on his lap but this time I was facing him. He pulled me closer and connected our lips.
     "Darry their making babies on your couch!" Two but yelled as he watched Mickey.
     "No baby making in this house!" Darry yelled.
     "I guess we could go to my place." Dally laughed.
     "When there's a baby Winston walking around in the next year you guys have yourself to blame." Two laughed.
     "Your the ones kicking us out." I laughed.
     "No baby making!" Darry yelled once again making everyone laugh.

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