Chapter 1: Randle

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I woke up tangled in my long brown hair after a long night of partying at Bucks. I slowly got up from my bed with my head pounding. I honestly can't remember how many shots I had last night but I remember having a fun time. I walked downstairs in search of some water. I peaked my head around the corner to make sure no one was down there then I slowly made my way to get water.
I grabbed a small cup then filled it up with water. I chugged the water down and felt a small wave of relief. I made my way back upstairs and decided I would just lay back down.
"Hannah!" I heard steve yell from his room.
"What!" I rubbed my head.
"We're leaving in ten minutes!" He yelled back. Crap. I have to get ready. I slowly made my way out of bed and headed over to my closet. I threw on a small purple tank top that barely covered me and shorts that had rips all over my thighs. I put on various shades of eye shadow, concealer, foundation, and lips gloss. Then I threw on purple converse. (Picture above).
I walked to my bathroom brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I took some ibuprofen to help with my head then I walked downstairs.
"Yeah no go back upstairs and change!" Steve tried to demand me.
"What do you mean?" I asked trying to ignore him.
"Well for starters where are your clothes?" He looked at me.
"Right here." I pointed to my shirt.
"Go change." He sternly said.
"Um how about no." I smiled.
"Go." He looked me dead in the eye.
"Mom bought me these clothes and she lets me wear them I don't think your my mom so bite me!" I yelled walking out the door.
I heard him follow behind me and I started to head in the direction of the Curtis house. "Slow down Hannah." He said from behind me. I fastened my pace. "Hannah I'm sorry alright wear whatever you want I just don't want the gang drooling over you." He said making me stop.
"I've been around the gang since I was like eight. They've seen me in my swimsuit before I think I'll be fine." I tell him.
     "Fine but if anyone makes you uncomfortable just tell me." He said patting my back.
     "I won't need to tell you they'll have a broken nose already." I smiled innocently.
     "I know you will." He sighed.

      We walked up to the Curtis house and we barged in making sure to slam the door. I didn't even say hi to anyone I went straight into Caitlin's room. Shut the door then went to sit on her bed with her.
"Hey Hannah." She smiled.
"Yea whatever. I'm kidding what's up Caitlin." I say laying down on my stomach.
"I need to tell you about this boy." She started to get red.
"Um spill." I sat right back up staring at her.
"Well He's a socs but I don't know his name. He waved at me today though." She squealed.
     "Oh my god you should've talked to him." I said looking at her.
     "Not everyone has your confidence Hannah." She laughed nervously.
     "Well not everyone is Hannah." I confidently smiled.
     "See." She rolled her eyes.
     "I like someone too." I looked down.
     "Who?" She asked confused.
     "Um well before you judge me I've liked him for a long time. Like since I was ten." I felt my face turn red.
      "Please say it isn't soda." She frowned.
      "No it's uh Dally." I whispered.
      "Wait really! Your blushing!" She laughed at me.
      "Whatever." I got up from her bed and made my way to the door. "Come down when your dressed or ready to come down." I smiled walking out. I went downstairs and made my way to the couch. There was two open seats one by soda and one by Dally. I clearly chose the one by Dally.
      "Hey man." Dally said as I sat by him.
      "Hello." I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.
      "How was the party last night?" He whispered in my ear.
       "From what I remember I had a good time." I pushed him away from me.
       "How much do you happen to remember?" He asked with a smirk.
       "What did I do?" I asked.
       "You almost stripped on a table. I took you away before the fifty year old man got any ideas." He laughed.
       "Like I said I had a good time." I laughed.
       "You coming to the party tonight?" He asked as he winked.
       "Will you be there?" I asked returning the wink.
       "You know it." He smirked.
       "Then no." I laughed, "I'm kidding you know I'm coming." I smiled at him.
         He looked at me then took a sip of his beer. He was about to set it down when I took it and drank the rest. "Oh it's on randle." He said getting up. I quickly ran away and into the kitchen. I circled around and ran outside. I thought I got away but then someone picked me up. I felt Dally pull me over his shoulder but then he placed me not so hard on the floor. He hovered over me and began to tickle me.
     "Winston you better stop." I yelled in between laughs.
      he got off of me, "you owe me a beer." He started to walk away.
     "Maybe I'll get ya one tonight." I slowly got up and followed him inside.
      "Sounds like a deal." He gave me yet again another wink.

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