Chapter 21: Double Date?

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One week later-
Today I was hanging out with Caitlin, soda, his girlfriend sandy they've been dating for about six months, and Steve. I rolled out of my head and decided I need to get dressed to hang out with them. I chose a baby blue ruffled with my plaid shorts. (Picture above). I was supposed to hang out with Dally today but he got hauled in so I just joined in on Caitlin's plan. She was sitting on my bed watching me scramble around my room trying to get ready. She was wearing a green cardigan with a white tank top and a jean shirt (picture below). "So why were you going out with soda sandy and Steve?" I ask laughing.
    "I don't know Soda invited me." She smiled.
    "Was it Soda?" I laughed once again. Wow I'm giggly.
     "Who else would invite me you knwo sandy hates me." She rolled her eyes.
    "So how's Lucas?" I change the subject completely although I'm still on the last topic.
    "Oh um well he hasn't asked me out yet and I think I seen him with Jennifer." She sighed.
"So have you moved on?" I asked.
"I don't know maybe." She frowned.
"Anyone new?" I asked another question.
"What's with all the questions your not a cop!" She fasted the pace of her voice.
"Was it Soda that invited you?" I smiled.
"Who else would it be Hannah!" She looked away from me.
"I don't know let's see who else is going hmmm I don't know steve." I look at her. Her face was beating red.
"What are you saying I'm dating your brother?" She asked.
"Are you?" I asked.
    "It was a one time thing I thought." She sighed.
    "You two hooked up!" I asked in complete utter shock.
    "I wasn't meaning for it to lead there I promise." She started to get nervous.
    "Was that you I walked in on?" My mouth dropped.
    "Sadly." She bent her face down. She was so embarrassed.
    "Was he your first?" I asked disgusted.
    "Yea." She smiled.
    "Sorry for that." I laughed.
    "Are you okay with this?" She asked.
    "I mean I'm sorry for you but I'll always be happy for you and support your decisions." I smiled getting up and giving her a hug.
    "Hannah I feel bad." I heard her mumble.
    "For?" I asked separating a tiny amount so I could see her face.
    "I don't want this to continue with Steve." She let a tear fall.
    "No sweetie don't cry please." I held her back into a hug. "I'm sure steve would understand. For all we know he is in the same mindset."
    "But he asked me on this date and I just didn't want to be rude and say no." She buried her head between the crook of my neck and my shoulder crying.
    "Caitlin it's okay Steve's a big boy he can take it okay. He has other girls lined up to date him and you have Lucas so it's okay he'll understand." I tried to tell her.
    "I guess we'll see how things go after this so called date." She lifted her head up and showed a small smile.
    "That's What I want to see so let me fix your makeup then let's go have some fun!" I smiled dragging her to my vanity. I did a bit more makeup then she prefers but what can I say I like makeup.
    "Lets go!" She smiled.

     We got to the dingo to see everyone seated at a table. Sandy glanced over at me and gave me a death stare. "Hey guys." I smiled.
     "Hey Hannah." Steve and soda said in unison. "Hey Caitlin."
     "Hey." She looked down. She was clearly either shy or embarrassed.
     We both sat down and just for my luck I was right next to sandy. I don't know what I did to her but she seems to hate me. "Hey sandy how have you been?" I ask trying to be kind because Lord help us if I get mad.
     "I've been fine." She sassed. "How have you been?" She rolled her eyes not wanting to continue this but knowing soda and Steve were watching.
     "I've been just peachy." I was starting to get mad. And I think Steve could tell.
     "Hannah chill." I heard Steve faintly stutter.
     "I heard you and Dally are dating. Let me know how that works for you." She laughed.
     "Is something funny." I stared harshly at her. 
     "Just you with a boyfriend." She laughed some more then whispered, "slut."
    "Excuse me?" I pushed her face away from mine as she whispered.
    "I said nothing." She tried to act innocent.
    "Your the slut!" I yelled. "Now either take it back or we can fight this out." I got out of my chair causing a scene.
    "Hannah sit down!" Caitlin whispered.
    "I'm not fighting you so just sit down." She laughed then started to talk to Soda again.
    "Have on this double date I think I'll just go. Oh steve that's right I found out." I smiled evilly then stomped out. The thing about me is when I get mad at one person I'm automatically mad at everyone else for no reason. Not that I'm mad at them I'm just mad and I take it out on anyone I possibly could. And clearly I was mad.
     I started to walk to the Curtis house to hang out with someone who wasn't sandy. I seen a figure in the streets so I bolted it. I ran as fast as I could to the Curtis house and luckily I made it. I ran in out of breath collapsing into someone's arms as I blacked out.

Caitlin's outfit😊

 Caitlin's outfit😊

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