Chapter 24: Just Peachy

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I haven't gotten out of bed once in the past two days. I've payed in my bed sobbing saying why doesn't he want me. But I know why. I know I can't trust him. But why does that matter so much to him? He can get jealous too. I would understand if he didn't trust me I mean have you heard about my past.
People come by knocking but I make them leave. Caitlin's been here at least five times trying to enter but I turn her away. She's even tried coming through my window but she almost fell so she gave up.
Then I heard a soft knock, "I swear to God go away!" I yelled.
"It's just Johnny." I sympathetically said.
I got up from my warm bed and walked to the door and opened it slowly. Johnny was too kind to have to push away. "Hi." I said going back to my bed.
"I made you soup. With help from Darry of course." He smiled handing me the soup.
"Thank you Johnny." I let more tears fall.
"Of course Hannah I mean I figured you'd be worse than Dally so I had to come." He sat down gently on the chair by my vanity.
"What do you mean worse than Dally?" I ask defensively.
"Well I mean he's upset too man but he's still going out." He told me. Is that how this is going to be? Okay then two can play at that game.
"Go in the hall. Do you know the Curtis number?" I ask standing up.
"Yea of course." He got up quickly and walked to the door.
"Phones in the living make sure caitlin comes over as soon as possible." I demanded.
"Okay I'll be back." He went out the door and shut it quietly. Time to get my outfit ready. I put on a black Lacey shirt that looked like a bra then a completely see through over shirt. I put on a black skirt and black boots. I rushed to vanity and started to apply black eyeshadow and black lipstick. What can I say I love black? (Picture above). I opened my door to see Johnny quietly waiting.
"I need to straighten my hair." I said walking across the hall to the bathroom as he followed me like he was a little duckling.
"Where are you going?" He asked quietly.
"To Bucks." I pull out my straightener.
"But that's where Dally will be." He said thinking I would mind.
"I know which makes me want to go there even more." I grinned.
"Dear lord please Help us." Johnny looked frightened.

Fifteen minutes later-
"Hannah!" I heard Caitlin yell from downstairs.
"Bathroom!" I yelled back. She came rushing up looked at Johnny and me confused.
"What are you doing?" She asked on the other side of the doorframe opposite from Johnny.
"I'm going to a party and your coming with." I smiled. I finished off straightening my hair since it doesn't take me long. "I need to get you something to wear." I walk to my room and hear mumbling come from behind me. "Is that okay?"
"Yea but are you okay?" She looked truly concerned.
"I'm just peachy." I turned around the walked to my closet. "Here." I put the clothes on the bed. It was a red shirt with a white skirt and my boots but In red. (Picture below). She put it on and looked a little questioned. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"A little out of my comfort zone but your lucky I'm helping you recover." She laughed.
"Johnny you coming to the party?" I ask.
"I think I'll just go to the Curtis house. Get better Hannah." He waved then walked out of the room.
"Ready Caitlin?" I ask.
"As ready as I'll ever be." She smiled nervously as I tugged on her arm and put the door we went.

We arrived at Bucks and I could tell nerves were running all through Caitlin's body. She stared to shake as we entered the door. "There's way too many people here." She laughed.
"Maybe Lucas is here." I nudged her.
"Maybe." She calmed down a little but her face went completely red. Well this is fun.
"Lets go get a drink." I dragged her arm once again leading her to the bar. Shockingly buck was bar tending tonight.
"Hey kiddo." He smiled.
"Hey buck ya bar tending tonight?" I ask.
"Yea the girl who was here ran off." He laughed.
"Two shots of vodka." I smiled at Caitlin.
"Um I'll just have a beer." She whispered to me.
"After your shot of vodka we're having fun tonight." I said grabbing my shot. "Cheers?" I looked at her.
"Cheers!" She laughed as she grabbed her shot and we chugged. "Holy crap that burns." I laughed at her.
"First time having vodka?" Buck asked me about her.
"Well obviously." I laughed.
"Oh shut up I did it." She laughed.
We ordered four more rounds and you could tell caitlin was definitely getting tipsy. She started to laugh at anything I did. And I mean anything. I smiled she laughed. I asked for more she laughed. I asked about Lucas she laughed. I asked what her name was and she laughed. "Holy crap." I looked over Caitlin's shoulder.
"What." She laughed turning round almost falling.
"It's Lucas and he appears to be alone." I smiled.
"Should I go talk to hIm." She giggles.
"You should!" I pushed her out of her chair and she dyed of laughter. She stood up straight then she as confidently as she could walked over to him. Who knew to boost her confidence she needed five shots of vodka. I focus back on her to see her kiss him. And him kiss back. Well my work is done. Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey cutie need a drink?" The voice sounded drunk but I was only halfway there so I could barely tell.

Caitlin's outfit

Caitlin's outfit

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