Chapter 26: War

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I storm inside the bar searching for Dally. I have to tell him how I feel. We can work this out. We're both strong people. I locate him sitting by himself at the bar. How lonely. I approach him and sit on the stool to his right. "Can I buy you a drink you seem a little down." I show a slight smile.
"Fine go ahead." He signaled to the waitress. I ordered to beers and she handed him one then me one. "Cheers." He clinked the Bottom Of his beer to mine sounding depressed.
"Let's just cut the crap I love you and I want to be with you and if that means I have to fight for you ev-" I was cut off by dally connecting our lips. It was slow yet passionate in the beginning but then it start to become more heated.
"I love you too." He said as he continued to kiss me. "Why don't we go to my room?" He suggested. Well I know where this will lead. Good thing I still have a drawer here.

I woke up next to Dally and smiled to myself. He was clearly already up, "good morning Dal." I smiled.
"Good morning." He rolled over and kissed my forehead.
"Can we go to the Curtis house today?" I asked with a huge smile.
"Sure you have clothes here?" He asked.
"If you didn't throw them away." I laughed getting up. I felt a sudden breeze and forgot I wasn't wearing clothes. I went to the drawer and threw on a Levi's shirt and jeans. I collected the makeup I had here and just had fun with it (Picture above).
We walked out the door with his hand firmly around my waist. We went down the stairs and shockingly were greeted by Buck. "You two are back together!" He cheered. I almost forgot we broke up in front of Buck.
"Yeah we worked some stuff out." I leaned my head to his chest.
"Oh so you guys did it?" He chuckled.
"What'd you expect?" Dally chuckled. "We're heading off so see ya later."

We got to the Curtis house and walked through the door now holding hands. When I walked i seen something I did not want to see. Soda and sandy making out. I'm fine with it but it's sandy. She's still pregnant with dallys baby is she ever going to tell him. The whole gang was surprisingly all there.
"Slut." I coughed.
"What'd you say?" Sandy separated from soda.
"Nothing. Did you gain a little weight?" I ask smirking.
"Hannah that is so rude!" Soda yelled.
"You know what's rude keeping secrets!" I yelled.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Why don't you ask sandy?" I smiled evilly.
"What does she mean?" Soda asked concerned.
"I'm I'm pregnant." She frowned.
"That's great!" He jumped up and down.
"Soda it's not your baby." She started to tear up. Fake bitch.
"Who's baby is it?" He sat back down.
"It's dallys." Everyone gasped in the room but Dally and I.
"Hannah did you know about this?" Darry asked concerned.
"Yea I did." I looked down.
"Why did you have to bring this up you knew this would happen!" He yelled.
"I'm not the defendant here!" I yelled.
"Yea obviously dally is!" Soda yelled.
"Well Hannah has to bring this up!" Darry yelled.
"You better not bring my sister into this at least she got it in the air unlike you idiots." Steve stood up.
"Are you calling my siblings idiots? Soda is the one who got cheated on" Caitlin asked quietly.
"Oh shut up Caitlin I would know how he feels. Is Lucas better?" Steve turned red.
"I didn't think we were official!" She yelled.
"You guys dated!" Ponyboy shouted.
"It wasn't official." Caitlin said.
"Yea apparently we were aloud to see other people." He sat down.
"Guys stop picking on Caitlin!" Darry yelled.
"Nobody is picking on Caitlin dumbass." Dally laughed.
"Your just saying that cause no one had talked about you in awhile." Steve said.
"Hey man I slept with her when I was drunk and couldn't tell who she was and I wasn't even dating Hannah so you should still tolerate me." He patted Steve's back.
"I think the guilty one here is sandy she knew what she was doing." I looked her up and down in disgust.
"Hannah your not so innocent yourself!" Soda yelled.
"I know I'm no saint but I don't cheat." I yelled.
"Yeah nobody likes being cheated on." Steve eyed Caitlin.
"Jesus suck it up you were barely a thing." Soda sighed.
"Hey at least she didn't get pregnant." He laughed.
"You guys all need to shut up!" Two but yelled. "You guys are acting like a bunch of teenage idiots. You guys are all best friends well besides you sandy. But the rest of you guys all love each other why can't you just appreciate what you have?" Two asked.
"He got my girlfriend pregnant!" Soda yelled. I guess this might mean war. Crap.


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