Chapter 30: Unfair

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      Two hours later-
      Yes it's three a.m and yes we're still partying. Dally and I definitely have had way too much to drink through out the night. We were sitting at the bar making out as people danced behind us. We heard the bartender clear hid throat. "Excuse me can't you take that somewhere else." He threw her hands on her hips.
     "We don't want to." Dally slurred.
     "Please move people are trying to get drinks. You could move over there." He pointed to where a people were making out. Dally shook his head then grabbed the glass of water the guy next to him was drinking and threw the water at him.
      "I said no." He huffed.
      "Hey buddy that wasn't nice!" He yelled.
      "I don't do nice." He rolled his eyes then dragged me away. "Man was he annoying." He laughed.
      "Watch this." I say taking his mind off of the bartender. I got up onto the nearest table stumbling as I tried to find my balance. I made a gesture to the Dj and he raised the volume. I started to dance on top the small unstable table as Dally watched intently.
I then jumped off the table jumping into his arms. He almost couldn't catch me but then he stabilized his feet and grabbed tightly around my waist. I wrapped my legs around his hip and my arms around his neck. He leaned his face in and connected our lips slowly.
"Get a room." Someone pushed past us causing Dally to lose his grip on me letting me drop to the ground.
As I sat on the floor and looked up at Dally, "that was fun." I started to giggle uncontrollably, "that was really fun." I got up and jumped into his arms again.
      "You're drunk aren't ya?" He laughed.
      "Just as drunk as you." I dropped my feet to the floor and looked him in the eye.
      "You're adorable." He kissed my forehead.
      "I know." I smiled then started to walk away.
      "Where are you going Han?" He reaches for my shoulder.
      "I don't know would you like to join?" I batted my eyes at him and smiled innocently.
      "Is that a question." He chuckled then started to walk along side with me. We left bucks with no idea where we were going. I led the way to a random location near bucks. Once I got closer I realized where I have been taking us. We walked down the small path that led to the lake. I only go here to reconnect with myself why'd I come now. We sat down on the big stone that sat right in front of the lake.
      "I used to come here a lot." I looked down at the sparkling lake. "It's always been real quiet I guess I can just take a deep breathe." I heard a heavy breathe escape Dallys mouth. "I guess you needed to come here too." I smiled at him but he quickly looked away. "Is everything alright?"
       "I'm sorry."  Dallas winston never apologizes. What's changed?
       "You're never sorry." I state.
       "I know but I can't take this anymore I have to tell you." He looked me in the eye and I instantly knew something was wrong.
       "What happened?" I put my hand on his but he jolted it away.
       "I cheated." He looked far into the distance.
       "You said you loved me!" I yelled. "Then you took me to party and everything were you just not going to tell me? When did this happen?"
      "After the movie." He sounded upset but not upset enough.
      "Is that why you sounded so rushed? You knew someone was waiting for you and you just couldn't wait to get in their pants!" I yelled as I stood up from the stone.
      "They told me they were coming but I didn't except it to go that far!" He yelled back.
      "Who is she?" My voice cracked as he looked away. "I said who is she!" I yelled.
      "Sylvia." He looked back at me.
     "Of course go back to the two faced cheating bitch. Actually you two are perfect for each other. You think since you got hurt you wouldn't make the same mistake but little miss perfect comes back and your all over her." My face started getting hot. It felt like steam was escaping my body with every word I yelled.
"That's unfair." He yelled.
"You know what's unfair being told someone loves you then to just get your heart ripped out by them!" I yelled.
"What I said was true." He replied.
"What are we even doing? We get into a fight at least once a week. Clearly this isn't working." I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
"Are you saying we should break up?" He turned completely towards me.
"I don't see this working. Have fun with Sylvia." I waved goodbye then gently kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow at the Curtis', bye dal." And with that I walked further than I've ever been into the dusty path making my way further from the town and from the lake Dally broke my heart at.


      I would like to say sorry for being so inactive trust me the story still has more to come it just might take some time. I've been at school and haven't had much motivation or inspiration but I'll try to post as much as possible.

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