Chapter 20: Demanding

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  *a week later*
   I woke up with a pounding headache in dallys bed. But Dally wasn't there. Quote honestly I forgot everything thing that happened I don't even remember the day. I look down to see myself in one of dallys shirts and no pants.
    I got up searching for water and Dally. Dallys shirt covered me like a dress I didn't even need pants. I went to the bathroom first but I knocked in case a couple extra people stayed from after the party. "Go away!" I heard dallys voice sigh through the door.
    I walk in slowly to see a faint silhouette of dally in the shower, "it's just me."
   "I know who it is. Grab your things give me my shirt back and go home hannah!" He sounded more frustrated than usual.
   "What the hell is up your ass?" I ask raising my voice then wince in pain from my hangover. I turned to the counter and searched for some type of medicine.
   "You and your make out buddy." I could hear him sigh through the streams of water. I found a medicine on the counter that read ibuprofen. Perfect. I took two pills then started to talk to Dally.
    "What do you mean?" I was certainly confused.
    "Last night I seen you making out with some guy." He shut off the water aggressively.
    "Dallas I was drunk! And it was only making out!" I yelled not even remembering what happened.
    "Yea you were drunk. Off of the drinks he bought you." He got out barely wrapped in a towel.
    "Dally I don't even remember that okay!" But then it hit me.

     Last night-
    I walked up closely to dally wrapping my hands over his eyes. "My hot girlfriend?" He turned around.
    "Good job!" I leaned in and gave him an extremely passionate kiss. I was wearing a very revealing silver dress complimented with red boots and red makeup (picture above).
"I'm going to go play pool I'll be back soon baby." He kissed me once again before walking away. I glanced around my surroundings and I decided the place to start was the bar.
"Give me the strongest shit you got!" I smiled to the waitress.
"Here ya go." She slid me a drink. I started to drink it slowly as I looked around the room. I seen two couples making out in separate corners. A big group of girls dancing. I shifted my eyes to peek through the tiny door to see Dally playing pool with some guys. Then I seen some girl start to walk up to him. She started to get a bit friendly with him. That's when I was going to get up but someone stopped me.
"Would you like another drink?" The guys next to me said.
"I can get it but-" I gave a fake smile.
"Let me get it." He demanded.
I glanced back to not even see Dally anymore. "Fine but only one drink." I had cold eyes as I told him so.
"One drink is all I need." He winked.
"I have a-" I got cut off by him handing me a drink. "Okay then." I started to drink the drink.
"Do you like it?" He sounded like some stalker.
"It's okay." I nervously laughed.
"Let me but you another one to make up for it." He demanded once again.
"I don't want another drink." I looked him dead in the eyes.
"Trust me you want it." He stared back with colder eyes the glanced to his pocket where he kept his knife.
"Fine one more." I say taking the drink.
"Oh sweetie your gonna need more than one drink." He winked. I tried to stand up but he put his hands on my wrists restraining me from moving.
"Fine but when my boyfriend finds out about this you'll be dead." I smirk.
"Not if your dead first." He grinned back.
"I adore how you think that's attractive." I chuckle to myself.
"I would watch it." He demanded once again before forcing me to have another drink.
Before I knew i was drunk. Completely drunk. "How are you feeling?" He asked with devilish grin.
"I feel great!" I laugh. But then he brings it to far. He shoved his tongue down my throat and started to kiss me. Well shit.

Dallys p.o.v-
I was enjoying my time playing pool with the boys while still keeping an eye on Hannah. Then some girl walked up to me and started to place her hands on my arms. "Hey there hottie." She got closer. I pushed her away almost instantly and out of the room.
"I've got a girlfriend so find anew guy." When I walked back into the room I seen Hannah glance back with a look of regret. Is she okay? I should go check on her.
"Hey Dally man it's your turn." I turned around and started my turn off by get a ball in. But then completely failed the next round. I look over at Hannah and see some guy handing her a drink. It looked as if she tried to refuse but she still took it.
I watched the other guys take their turns then turned back to Hannah to see her laughing at this guy and seem like she was having a good time.
"My turn?" I asked frustrated as I forcefully hit the ball scratching.
"Dallas it's wasn't your turn." Nick said. I glanced over to see Hannah kissing that guy now. That's it! I threw my stick on the ground then stomped over to her pulling them apart. I lifted her over my shoulder punched him then walked to my room.

Hannah's p.o.v-
Present time-
"Dally I swear I can explain!" I raised my voice.
"Go ahead." He rolled his eyes as he put on his clothes.
I explained everything that happened. I explained being forced to take those drinks and not even kissing back. "Do you believe me?" I ask with a frown.
"Of course babygirl." He engulfed me in a hug as his wet hair leaned against my head.

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