Chapter 2: The Party

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     It was a long day at the Curtis house. Dally left awhile ago. Steve, soda, and Darry are all at work. We practically did nothing all day. Johnny and pony were just reading some dumb book. Two was watching Mickey Mouse. And Caitlin and I did a lot of random stuff but mostly just sat around. "Hey I'm going to the drive in tonight with some socs girl and that cute guy may be there." Caitlin told me.
      "I'll help choose your outfit." I smiled getting up and walking towards her room.
      "Nothing too revealing." She said following me.
      "We'll see." I smiled then walked to her closet. "Can I do your makeup too?" I asked.
      "Sure?" She sounded a bit hesitant but she went with it. I pulled out a stripped shirt and rosey skirt. I pulled out yellow converse to match the skirt then pulled her over to do her makeup. I did a light gold eyeshadow mixed with another sparkly color, I applied foundation and concealer along with mascara and blush then she applied chapstick (picture above).
     I grabbed her hand and pulled so she was in front of the long mirror placed by her door. "You like?" I ask.
     "You should pick out my clothes more often." She laughed spinning around.
     "What can I say I'm talented." I flipped my hair then went to go sit on her bed. "I have to get dressed for tonight." I smiled.
      "What are you doing tonight?" She asked.
       "Oh nothing just going to a party," i started. "With Dally." I mumbled.
       "With who?" She asked.
       "With no one." I smiled.
       "I know when your lying." She looked into my eyes.
       "Yea so what I'm sort of going with Dally what's the problem I mean he didn't fully ask me." I blushed.
       "Jesus Christ why is your brother okay with this?" She asked.
       "Why does that matter?" I asked confused.
       "One if he knew you were going to a party he'd be furious and now your topping it off by going with Dally!" She said.
       "I don't really care though." I laughed. "Now do you want to come to my house to help me get ready the party starts at six and I need you to cover for me and say I'm meeting you at the drive in." I smiled nervously.
       "You only have one hour but yes I'll help you." Caitlin sighed.

      We walked into my house and immediately went to my room. I pushed past all my clothes to get to the back where I keep my party clothes and began to search frantically. I pulled out an extremely sparkly dress that had a really low cut for the neckline, pink high heels. I walked over to my vanity grabbed a makeup wipe and rubbed off my previous eyeshadow trying to be extremely careful not to mess anything else up. I applied to different shades of pink to my eyelids then reapplied mascara and lip gloss (picture below).
      "I'm ready." I smiled spinning around.
      "You have to get to the party within ten minutes." Caitlin attempted to smile.
      "I guess I'll be fashionably late." I shrugged.
      "I'm heading back to cover for you." She rolled her eyes.
      "Thanks so much!" I waved her goodbye. I followed down the stairs and after we both left we headed different directions.

       I made it Bucks shockingly on time and headed inside. The music wasn't too loud yet and barely anyone was there. I made my way upstairs to dallys room and knocked before entering. "Hold on." I heard dallys voice huff as he made his way to the door. He opened the door the looked me up and down. "Why hello Hannah." He said moving out of the way to let me in.
     "Hey Dal." I sat on his bed.
     "Your early." He stated.
     "How early?" I asked very confused.
     "Thirty minutes I said six thirty not six." He laughed.
     "Oh well. I guess I'm early then I could just leave." I got up from his bed.
     "You can stay I don't care but just because the party didn't start doesnt mean we can get a head start." He walked over to the door and opened it. "Ya coming?" He asked.
     "Of course I'm coming." I walked out the door and headed back downstairs but this time I went to the bar. I sat down and seen Dally sot besides me, "ten shots?" I looked at him.
      "Yea Get us ten shots." He demanded.
       The bartender placed five shots in front of me and five in front of Dally. "Cheers!" I lifted up my first shot and chugged it.
      We both finished the five shots in front of us and we both acted fine. I guess you an say I can hold my alcohol. "Can I get a beer." I said to the cute bartender in front of me.
    "Anything for you. Could I get a name?" He asked handing me a beer.
    "Hannah, how about you handsome." I said flirty. I looked to my left to see that dally left so I guess it fair game now.
    "Blake." He said.
    "What a lovely name." I told him leaning over the bar a bit.
    "Why thank you." He sounded intrigued.
    "What time are you done bartending tonight?" I gave him a devilish grin.
     "Nine but I can take a break right now." He started to walk around the bar. We walked into a small room and instantly started to make out. I tugged and on his shirt and you already know where that leads.

     Afterwards I walked out of the room fixing my hair and reapplying lip gloss. I looked around the room to see Dally tongue tied with some other girl. I walked back over to the bar and ordered more to drink.
    After about four more shots of vodka I felt myself absolutely drunk. I walked over to the dance floor and made my over to see someone I recognized. "Sarah?" I asked confused as I unsteadily walked over to her.
     "Yea. Wait Hannah?" She exclaimed.
     "Oh my god it's been so long." I smiled.
     "Yea! Oh my god earlier I was kissing this really cute guy!" She told me.
     "Who?!?" I asked excitedly.
     "Dallas, Dallas Winston!" She told me. I couldn't help it. My drunk mind told me to do it. I swung my fist straight into her nose.
     "Bitch." I mumbled walking away. I ran into Dally as I was trying to get to the bar.
     "Hannah why'd you punch that girl?" He asked looking at her.
     "Cause I can." I smiled.
     "Buck doesn't like fights your gonna get kicked out. Why don't you just go lay down upstairs. You can borrow some of my clothes but I can't let steve see you like this." He said pushing me upstairs lightly.
     "Can I call Caitlin." I asked.

     He led me to the phone and I dialed Caitlin's number. "Hello this is caitlin."
     "Hey it's Hannah. Can you tell steve I'm sleeping at your house." I asked.
     "They would know if you were here." She said.
     "Just tell them Hannah's upstairs sleeping be quiet and if any of them go when did she get her just be like did you not see her come in." I sounded desperate.
    "Sure just go rest or do whatever you need to do." She said.
    "Thanks sooo much I'll buy you some candy or something." I said.
     "You better now by Hannah." She laughed.
     "Bye Caitlin." I hung up the phone then walked over to dallys bed to grab the clothes he laid out for me. He left the room as I threw on a pair of his sweatpants and one of his shirts. I opened the door allowing him back in.
     "Go to bed Hannah." He laughed as he led me to the bed.
     "Night dally." I said as I felt him lay besides me.
     "Night Hannah." He mumbled.

Hannah's outfit

Hannah's outfit

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