Chapter 5: Fighting

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It's four thirty and I need to get ready to go see Dally fight some idiot from the party. He wants me to wear my tight skirt and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I put on a tight red leather skirt with a checkered tube top. Then I went to go do my makeup which is going to take me super long. I wanted to go extreme with my really red eyeshadows. And top it off with black lipstick.
      After about forty five minutes of me just doing my eyeshadow I put on concealer foundation mascara high light and of course the black lipstick. I rummaged through my closet to find the perfect pair of black booties to pull the whole outfit together. I guess you could say I'm really into fashion and colors. I like to be bold and fun.
      It was almost six  so I decided I would call Caitlin to fill in time and plus I enjoy talking to her. "Hello this is caitlin." She sounded upset.
      "What's wrong cati?" I ask sweetly.
      "Han, I think Lucas has a girlfriend." Caitlin told me.
      "Catie sweetie it'll be okay. If he has a girlfriend then he's not the one quite yet. Or maybe it's a relative or someone. But if he has a girlfriend you can always make them break up." I told her attempting to give her multiple options.
      "I don't know I don't want to be the person to break someone relationship." She sniffled.
      "Are you crying?" I ask.
      "Um yea." I could feel her get more upset.
      "Screw the phone I'm coming over." I hung up and went right out of my room. I ran down the stairs as best as I could in high heels then started to fast walk to her house.
      Once I got there I forgot that Steve was there and I forgot what I was wearing. I didn't care anymore. I just walked in and attempted to go upstairs as fast as possible.
      But theres always someone who must stop everyone, "Hannah?" I heard Johnny say.
     "Yea just checking on Caitlin." I say not looking back and hiding as much of me as possible.
     "I think Steve wanted to talk to you." I heard him say.
     "Crap." I whispered. I walked out into the living room and suddenly all eyes were on me. "You needed me?" I nervously said.
      "What the hell are you wearing?" Steve asked getting up.
      "Clothes." I mumbled.
      "I barely see any. Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked.
      "Well I am wearing clothes cause I am partly covered." I said avoiding his question. I deep down think Steve knows I go to parties but he would literally murder me if he knew I was going to see Dally.
      "That didn't answer my question." He stated.
      "I don't think you asked a question." I looked anywhere but where Steve was.
      "Listen han I dont care if you dress like that but if your going to some party everyone would want to look at you." He said.
      "You can't say you don't care what I wear everyday I come down and you ask where my clothes are." I cross my arms.
      "Okay okay I'll try to care less if you tell me where your going. I really want to be a cool brother but I can't when you cross the lines this many times." He said.
       "Do you really want to know where I'm going." I roll my eyes.
      "Yes I do but I have a feeling I won't like it." Steve mumbled the end.
      "I'm going to the dingo." I giggle.
      "Really?" He seemed almost confused.
      "Yea. Now will you start leaving me alone about my clothes." I tap my foot.
      "Fine I do miss being your cool brother." He pull me into a hug.
      "Were you ever?" I laugh.
      "Don't push it." He laughed with me.

       It's almost 6:30 and I went to go talk to caitlin. "Hey Caitlin I cant talk long but I needed to check on you." I smile opening the door.
      I see her lightly smile, "Where are you going?" She laughed.
     "The dingo with Dally." I smile.
     "Ooo should I be intrigued?" She barely showed her beautiful smile.
     "Eh not really he just asked me to cheer him along as he fights some guy." I smile.
"Sounds big." She finally fully laughed.
"I'll make my way up." I grin.
"I'm sure you will." She smiled.
"I'm glad your smiling." I hugged her.
"Thanks now go cheer your future husband on!" She laughed.
"Your way too ahead of yourself." I smile heading out the door, "Bye caitlin!" I wave.
"Bye Hannah!" She returned my wave.

I strolled up to the dingo a little before seven and seen dally already there. "Hey Hannah." He smirked.
       "Hey dally." I smiled.
       "I see you listened to my request." I smirked looking me up and down.
       "Well if I was cheering you on and I had to cheer you on right." I winked.
       "Maybe you should come to these more often." He grinned.
       "I might have to." I smirked.
       "Hey Han I talked to Sarah ya know the girl you punched and-" he was going to say something but got cut off.
        "Winston long time no see ya big cheater." He growled.
       "Hey man I don't cheat let's just cut the crap and talk rules." He huffed.
      "Whoever is on the ground first or whoever runs first loses." He mentioned.
      "No weapons." Dally brought up.
      "Deal." They shook hands.
      "Why don't we have the hot broad count us in." The man said.
       "For started she's not a broad and I guess she count to three." Dally looked at me.
      "Sure." I smiled knowing Dally defended me. "One. Two. Three!" Yell watching Dally start of strong by punching the guy straight in the jaw. The guy punch Dally in the stomach but Dally returned it and I'm pretty sure the guy has a broken nose now. The guy punch dally really hard on the jaw leaving a cut. Dally repeatedly punched him in the stomach. The guy curled over a little bit then instantly regained energy and punched Dally in the eye. Dally then finished off the fight by punching the guy a couple more time in the stomach causing him to fall over.
      "You won!" I ran over to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me and spun me around.
     "I did!" He exclaimed.
     "Why don't we head back to your place so I can fix up your cut." I look at his face.
      "Whatever Hannah." He laughed.

      We got back to his place and he walked to his room while I went to the bathroom to get some rubbing alcohol and some cotton swabs. I went into his room and seen he didn't have a shirt on. "Oh my god Dally look at the cut on your stomach." I said as blood gushed out.
      "I'll be fine." He built his wall up.
      "I'm already fixing one cut What's one more going to do." I say sitting besides him and expecting his jaw. I grab a cotton ball then fill it with alcohol. I dab it on his jaw trying to be gentle. I heard him wince in pain but he wouldn't want me to confront that.
     After his jaw was looking better I moved down to his cut along his ribs. The guy had on some rings I believe so one of those rings did some damage. I grab a clean cotton ball and begin to clean his cut.
     "All done." I smiled.
     "Didn't hurt one bit." He lied.
     "Yeah sure." I laugh.
     "I'm heading out goodnight Dally." I smile.
     "Night Hannah." He smiled at me.

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