Chapter 41: Stressful

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The next morning-
We all slept over at the Curtis house last night. Dally and I slept on the floor next to each other. Caitlin slept in her room, soda and pony slept in their as long as Darry. Johnny cuddled up in darrys arm chair. While Steve slept on a couch and so did two bit. I woke up first feeling extremely sick. I ran upstairs and threw up in the toilet. I flushed them got up and looked at myself in the mirror. Must've been something I ate.
I walked downstairs and instead of laying next to Dally I sat besides him. He turned around still having his eyes closed and went to reach for me. When he didn't feel me his eyes shot open. "Oh you're just sitting there I thought you left."
"No I'm just sitting here. Does your stomach hurt?" I asked wondering if we both are the same thing.
"No why does your stomach hurt?" He sat up.
"Yeah I just thought maybe it was something I ate." I shrugged. He pulled me closer and hugged me rubbing my back. He kissed my head and we just sat there. I felt my stomach get upset again so I ran upstairs. I made it to the bathroom and sat on the floor as I puked. Suddenly I felt my hair be pulled back and once i stopped puking I turned around to see dally.
      "Your stomach really isn't feeling well is it?" He said rubbing my back still holding my hair.
      "I guess not." I frowned and turned to face him.
     "Do you think you gotta fever?" He asked.
     "I don't think so." He stood up and searched through multiple cabinets until he pulled out a thermometer. He placed it in my mouth and clicked the button. After the beat he took it out and read it to me. It was perfect.
     "We ate the same thing last night and I'm not feeling bad." He shrugged. "Want me to stay with you in here?"
     "Yes please." I said. He pulled me close as we sat on the floor and let me lay my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep as I laid on his warm body.

      When I woke up that's when it hit me. I haven't had my period and I've been late for at least a week. I started to panic. My breathing became unsteady as I lost focus of air even entering me. Now that's all I could focus on. I felt my chest go up and down rapidly. My mouth opened widely gasping for more air. Dally must've felt me begin to shake because he was up in a heart beat. "Hannah are you okay you're shaking and your breathing is all messed up!" He said almost instantly.
     "Dally don't be mad." I said already knowing he never wanted a kid. I've known that since the start. He's made that very clear.
"I won't be mad baby girl just tell me what's wrong." His dark chocolate eyes stared into mine.
"I may be pregnant." My eyes started to well with tears.
"Shit Hannah that's just what we need." He put his hand in his palm.
"It wasn't all my fault! Dallas it takes two people to make a baby!" I started to get mad.
"Hannah I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself!" He yelled. And then I looked into his eyes and it showed sadness and youth. We're still young how the hell are we going to have a kid. I'm only sixteen and he's only seventeen. We've only been together for like two months.
"Dally if I'm pregnant we have to love the baby. I don't want to give it away. It needs to be with their real parents." I scooted closer to him.
"Hannah I'm not ready." He looked me in the eye.
"Neither am I but maybe this will be good for us." I say calmly.
"Yea just liek you wanting to get married." He rolled his eyes and got up.
"What's that supposed to mean." I stood up next to him.
"You just manipulate me into what you want. Look at you, you wanted to get married and somehow you convinced me and you've wanted children and now all of the sudden you're pregnant." He rolled his eyes and reached for the door handle.
"Dallas you have just as big of a role of me and making thsi child if I'm even pregnant. You're just so immature. Why don't you go cry to Sylvia and sleep with her and maybe knock her up to!" I yelled. "Either get the hell out of this bathroom or stay with me!"
He grabbed the handle more aggressively and whipped the door open he stomped out and slammed the door. I dropped to the floor with my back against the cold floor sobbing. I heard a light noise at the door and thought someone wanted to come in "go away I'm using the bathroom." I tried to sound liek I wasn't crying.
"I'm sorry." I heard Dallys voice mumble. I look at him to see him sobbing. Dallas Winston crying. "I'll help you. I promise."
"You can't break a promise." I roll my eyes.
"I know that's why I made it. And I'll keep to my word if you want to have this kid I'll stay and help and if you want to get married that's what we'll do but no big wedding." He cane down to the floor and sat in front of me. We locked lips.
"I don't care what anyone says you are the best boyfriend." I smile.
"I wouldn't go that far I did just leave." He laughed.
"You're the best to me." I wipe away the rest of my tears.

I came back from the store with a box of pregnancy Tests. I walked into the bathroom with Dally trailing behind me. He sat on the floor while I took the test and placed it on the counter. We waited for five minutes to just be safe then I grabbed the test.
I didn't want to look at it. "What does it say?" He said as he started to get up.
"I haven't read it yet." I flipped it over so it wasn't facing me. "Promise me you'll stay if it's positive and you'll be happy."
"I'll be the happiest I can be." He said impatiently.
I flipped it over, "it's positive." He grabbed me by the waist and I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He kissed me then we just hugged.
"You'll be an amazing mother." He smiled looking at my face.
"You'll be a great father." I smiled.
"That's stretching it." He laughed setting me down.

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