Chapter 15: Sweet Dreams

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      Later that night-
     I was laying on my bed as Caitlin was chilling at my desk. I started to think about dally and when I was going over there. Should I change? I got up and walked to my dresser. I threw on white shorts and a Nike short sleeve shirt (picture above) I may as well be comfortable. I took off my face of makeup off and put my hair into two braided ponytails. Caitlin was still sitting at the desk completely zoned out. "What are you doing tonight catie?" I occasionally call her catie as her nickname.
"I don't know Ponyboy wants me to go to some movie with him and some of the gang." She sighed.
"Do you not want to go?" I sat down on my cozy bed.
"I don't know. Are you going?" She asked.
"Um no." I laughed for no reason at all I just thought it was funny.
"What are you doing tonight?" Caitlin turned her chair around so it was facing me.
"I'm going to Dallys." I smiled.
"Oh so it's not what your doing it's who your doing." She laughed at her own comment.
"I mean maybe." I felt my whole face get red. What is he doing to me?
"Someone's blushing!" She moved out of her chair and jumped into the bed right next to me.
"Oh shut up it's just some guy." I rolled my eyes.
"Would just some guy make you act like this?" She laughed.
"I don't know maybe?" I put my face down so she couldn't see me turn even more red than before.
"Your in loooove." She dragged her o in a baby voice.
"I said shut up." I grabbed the nearest pillow and laughed as I repeatedly hit her.
"No! Hannah's in love!" She yelled as she jumped up and ran around my room. "Hannah's in love! Hannah's in love!" I tried to chase her but then she went out of my door and downstairs to where Steve was eating after work. "Steve guess what!" Caitlin yelled.
"What Caitlin?" He laughed at her stupidity.
"Hannah looooves someone." She said in the same tone as earlier.
"No it's impossible!" He said like a dramatic girl. Or Caitlin.
"But it's true." She smiled.
"It is not!" I whined with a smile shining through.
"Oh but it is." She laughed.
"Aw look at Hannah turning soft." He got up from the chair he was in and was about to ruffle my hair.
"Shut up!" I laughed as I slapped him.
"Oh it's on!" He put me in head lock then walked slowly to the living room where we had softer floors since he's kind of nice. He playfully threw me on the floor then started to tickle me. I started to kick his legs attempting to get out and well it worked. I escaped from underneath him and jumped on his back.
"Excuse me id like to go back to the kitchen." I heard a faint laugh come from Caitlin as she watched us play fight.
"Hannah I'm not giving you a piggy back ride to the kitchen." He chuckled.
"Well it appears I'm on your back so take me the kitchen." I demanded.
"You're so needy." He laughed.
"I know." I grinned.

I walked over to Bucks after Steve and Caitlin left for the Curtis house. It was currently nine p.m and although we never set a time I felt rushed. I quickened my pace and kept along the path. I made it to Bucks safely. The socs have been pretty chill lately.
     I walked into the bar heading straight for dallys room. I walked up the wooden stairs and made a right in the hallway. I knocked on the first door knowing to was dallys but rarely random people go in there. "Coming!" I heard dallys voice shout. He opened the door to reveal his wonderful six pack.
    "Hello." I smiled as I instantly kissed him.
    "Hey Hannah." He said in between kisses. I broke apart the last kiss then went to go sit on his bed.
    "What we're doing?" I smiled sweetly as he sat besides me.
    "Just laying down waiting for you." He laughed. I leaned in once again but this kiss was more heated. It was like we needed each other. We craved each other. He kept trying to bring my body closer to his. Then I felt a tug on my shirt and well you know where that leads.

      I rolled over to face him once again. "Can I spend the night?" I asked as I played with his soft brown hair. Dally unlike almost every greaser doesn't apply grease to his hair and I find super attractive.
     "Of course you can spend the night baby girl." He cuddled up to me. I moved my hand from hair to underneath my head then put my other hand on his chest. He moved a hand so he was now playing with my hair. "You're adorable." I blushed at his comment.
    "Thank you." I lean in to kiss his forehead. "I'm tired." I say as my eyes already begin to close.
    "Night sweetheart." He pulled another blanket on top of me as I shivered. "Sweet dreams."
    "Night Dally." I blushed as I leaned my head onto his chest.

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