Chapter 32: Here We Go Again

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Eventually everyone started to come back inside to see me crying into darrys arm. Only Steve and Caitlin have witnessed me cry the rest of them were either shocked or confused. "So If you don't mind me asking what happened?" Johnny quietly asked.
"Dally cheated on me with Sylvia again and now we broke up because I figure he would rather have her and now he said I can just go kill myself." I smile in a sarcastic way as I tell the story.
"He better stay a distance from you or I'll kill him!" Steve yelled.
"It's whatever let him come near me. I could care less about what he can do to me." I smiled.
"Do you guys have cake?" Two but asked causing everyone to stare at him with a look that reads really? "What I'm hungry you guys never feed me!" He whined like he was having such a problem.
"All we ever do is feed you!" Darry laughed.
"Yea you try to feed me vegetables. I just want cake!" He whine once again.
"There's cake in the freezer now shut your trap so we can listen to Hannah." Darry said causing everyone to laugh.
"I want a new good boyfriend." I whined throwing myself to lay down on the couch. Sodas eyes immediately came towards my direction. Man why is he so obsessed with me?
"I could think of one." He winked at me.
"Me too! I met a guy named Brian at a party last night." I smiled.
"Hannah I was there he told you his name was mark." Steve looked at me.
"Eh same thing." I shrugged. "I think I should go home get on my party clothes then go to see if I can find him." I grinned.
"Hannah you've been partying all week." Steve said calmly.
"Your point? I'm going to party." I got up and started to walk to the door as I heard footsteps follow behind mine. I wasn't truly focusing on the steps they were more of a background noise. My thoughts blocked out the rest of the noise following along with it. I walked out the door and started heading down the street to my house when someone hit me on the shoulder. I instantly swung my hand at them. I heard a familiar groan and when I turned around I seen soda lying on the floor holding a bloody nose. "Oh my god soda I'm so sorry." I laughed as I offered my hand for him to take.
"It's fine just didn't think I'd ever get beaten up by a girl." He took my hand and joined my laughter. "You're really strong." He said.
"Or you're just really weak." I giggled.
"Why don't we just say you're strong." He laughed. We started to walk together to my house.
I walked in thinking he wouldn't follow but sure enough he did. "You can stay down here if you want." I tell him as I head upstairs. I seen him sit down out of the corner of my eye as I went into my room. I put on a skin tight baby blue dress and threw on some sunglasses that matched the color along with my white converse. (Picture above!)
I went back downstairs after applying makeup. Soda turned around quick and his mouth instantly dropped. "I'll just go grab the mop." I joked causing him to quickly shut his mouth.
"Sorry I just- you're just- wow." He eventually said.
"Thank you." I smile.
"Man if you were still dating Dally I'd be killed." He said causing me to get mad.
"But I'm not anymore!" I yell them run out of my house.
I ran to bucks. Why does everyone have to say that shit. And why was dally so controlling? He really wasn't. He just didn't want guys looking at his girl. But I'm not his girl anymore. Maybe it's for the better. True he said some pretty messed up stuff. But I doubt he meant it.
      I arrived at bucks looking for mark. I went inside the house and shockingly didn't see him. He's typically here all day on these days. I searched through to the building when I ran into bucks. "Hey hannah long time no see." He joked as he went for a hug. "At least this time you're sober."
      "Yea well my brother dragged me out of here said it wasn't good for my health." I laughed.
       "You're not the only one." He laughed causing me to have a confused look on his face.
       "What do you mean?" I asked.
       "Well I'm sure you've seen Dally he's just as big of a mess." He told me.
       "Yea okay. He's the one who cheated and also told me to kill myself im sure he's doing just fine." I roll my eyes. I seen his eyes glance down to my wrist which I quickly moved away.
       "First off don't let that idiot tell you that shit now let me take a look at your wrist." He demanded. I brought my shaky hands up and shown him my wrist which had a few small faded cuts. "Hannah. This isn't okay you have so much to live for." He told me with a welcoming smile.
       "I know just sometimes I'm depressed okay?" I weakly smiled.
       "Let's just fix this right now!" Before I had time to ask questions he started dragging me away. "I'll show you just how upset dally really is." I got dragged straight up to dallys room.
      When we barged in I seen Dally punch his pillow. "I swear Dallas look what you're making this poor girl do." He yelled.
      Dallas glanced up at me with sadness in his eyes but when he looked back down his act changed. "What did I do she was the one who made the cuts."
      "Cut the crap you know you miss her." Buck told him.
      "Hannah Can you step out for a minute." Dally looked at me. I stepped out of the room but I could still clearly hear everything they were saying.

        Dally: Why'd you do that?
       Buck: because I know you love her and miss her. Tell me I'm wrong.
      Dally: it's not that you're wrong it's just-
      Buck: just what
     Dally: I don't want to mess up again. She doesn't deserves me. If I'm in her life all I do is hurt her.
     Buck: I hope you realize that you staying out of her life has the same affect.
     Dally: but if I'm in her life I'm just going to mess up.
     Buck: well I'm pretty sure you did that already by telling her to kill her self!
      Dally: i didnt want to jake made me okay?
      Buck: so you still love her.
     Dally: I've never stopped an I never will.

     As soon as he said that I rushed in and jumped into a kiss. He lifted my legs so they were wrapped around his hips. "I love you too!" I smiled in between the kiss.

     Okay to start sorry I've been this inactive I literally am so mad at myself for not writing. I'll try to write more often I'm just not getting a lot of inspiration. Seriously if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments. I really need some.
      Secondly I do not encourage suicide. If you are thinking of it or are feeling upset please talk to someone whether it's a trusted friend or adult or you can message me on here and I'll be willing to talk to anyone. I love everyone so much and thank you for reading this story💕

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