Chapter 45: Baby Winston

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Four months later-
Now was finally the time to see the gender of my baby. For some reason I let steve and Darry be in charge of my gender reveal "party" and by party I mean me and the gang having a cake and announcing the gender. Darry and Steve are the only people that know and I put them in charge of getting a cake so when we cut it we either see blue or pink.
I wore a white sweater and ripped jeans. I wore a pinky nude bra that was visible. I put my hair into two braids then laced on my white converse. (Picture above, just picture that but maternity clothes.) Dally came by me and wrapped me in his arms as I looked at myself in my new mirror at my new home. Dally and purchased a house three weeks ago and it's three streets away from the Curtis house.
My seventeenth birthday was last week and it was fairly boring considering I couldn't drink but everyone else could.

Dally and I walked into the Curtis house to see pretty pink and blue balloons floating around the house along with streamers from door to door. We see the gang sitting around the house. "Hi hannah and Dally." Johnny said grabbing everyone's attention. Everyone greeted us and we sat around for a while before cutting the cake.
About an hour later we decided now is a good time to cute the cake. We walked out into the kitchen and dally and I both grabbed the knife and slowly put it on the cake. Quite frankly I think it's going to be a girl and Dally thinks it's going to be a boy.
"Oh hurry up or I'll do it myself." Two bit said desperate for cake.
"Oh slow your roll." Dally rolled his eyes then we Both cut the cake so we could see blue cake. "Yes it's a boy!" He yelled. "Told you so."
"Oh whatever, but I think someone's is excited about the baby." I giggled.
"He's going to be just like me." He smirked.
"Dear God help us." Ponyboy quietly whispered.
"At least you don't have to live with him." I laughed.
"You chose that, I was practically forced to hang around him. My mom sure did love him." Ponyboy sighed.
"So do I." I blush as I look at him shake hands with my brother.

Five months later-
I started to feel a pain in my stomach as I laid down in my nice warm bed cuddled up to Dally. I felt a gush of water run down my leg. I slapped him on the back and he instantly woke up startled. "What was that for?" He yelled.
"My water broke." I said nervously. He grabbed my hand and helped me get up I grabbed my hospital bag and then we were out the door.
      "When we get there I want you to call Steve and tell him to call everyone else and then to come to the hospital, okay?" I say trying to breathe.
      "I can do that." He rubbed my back trying to calm me.
       We got there and he rushed the receptionist lady to get me into a room. She lead us into a private room that was fairly small. "You get settled I'm going to call Steve." He kissed my forehead then walked away.
     I laid in my little bed and the doctor came in and asked me a few questions and gave me a few responses. She left the room as soon as Dally came back.

      The whole gang besides two bit came in thirty minutes later. Darry carried a little balloon that said it's a boy. The nurse walked in after them and began to speak. "You seem to be coming along your already dilated six centimeters." She smiled. "Four left." She said a few more things then walked out the door.
     "Hey is it okay if I have a guest?" Two bit poked his head in.
     "Um I guess who is-" I was cut off by ivy and two bit walking in. Man I hate her guts. Dally was sitting in a chair right next to my bed and leaned into whisper. "I do not want her here."
     "Hey Ivy do you actually mind waiting out in the waiting room we barely know you and it's kind of uncomfortable with you being here." He said the nicest Dallas Winston couldve said it.
     "I don't see why I can't be in here hannah just said she wouldn't mind a guest." She crosses her arms and sat in a chair clearly not going anywhere.
      "Hey man I tried being nice here, we don't want you in here so get out." He stood you from his chair causing Darry to stand up and face Dally.
      "Dally calm down." Darry said.
      "Two bit tell your girl to leave." Dally faces him now.
      "No her no me." Two bit stood up.
      "Your seriously going to leave us for some girl." Dally stepped closer.
      "You did the same with Hannah we barely seen you after y'all started dating." He rolled his eyes.
      "But we hung around and stayed for the important things." I chimed in.
       "It's me and her or neither of us." Two bit said sternly.
      "Fine get the hell out clearly you don't want to be a part of the family, because it's either us or her." Dally said.
       Two bit stared at her then at us, "you guys shouldn't make me choose that's not what family does." Two bit said.
      "They also don't ditch us when one of us is having a kid." Dally said. "Look two we know what you've been through and we've always been here and we're still here, she just came into your life and your Deciding whether or not you should leave us for her?"
      "I guess you are right Dal. But I think I love her." Two bit said causing ivys eyes to look up.
      "You just met her." Darry chimed in.
      "Hannah and Dally just started dating and he got her pregnant." Two said.
      "That's not fair, both of us liked each otehr for a long time before we started to date." I said.
      "My life just never works out I guess, Ivy May you please leave the room." He looked at both of us and looked as if he was begging for us to let her stay.
      "Wait! Two bit we do love you but we just think she's a little suspicious. But if you want her to stay I can make the sacrifice." I smiled at him.
      "I'm not staying you guys clearly hate me here and this is such a toxic family and honestly two bit you should come with me or I'll never seen you again." She smiled at me knowing what she was doing.
      The next thing I know two bit said goodbye and taht he loved us and he walked away. I began to cry. "What did we do wrong?" I asked.
     "You guys know two bits problems and you basically just made them worse grow up." Ponyboy rolled his eyes.
     "You shut your trap kid." Darry said.
      The nurse came in and told me I was ready to give birth. "But two isn't here, it won't be the same." I cried.
      "Baby it's okay but we just have to do this for baby winston." He smiled.
      "Okay." I began to push and the two bit came running in.
      "You guys were right she's so manipulative, you guys are my family k should've never left and I'm so sorry now let's give birth to a baby Winston!" He yelled.

       My little baby boy was born a few minutes later. Dally and I decided to name him james Michael winston. He is the cutest little thing that's ever came into my life besides Dally. Dally is really good with him so far and I think I may have seen him water up when he seen him.
     And after that we all just hung out with james almost like it was like the old days.

PLEASE READ!!! I have a few other books posted and if you finished this book and you enjoyed it please go read my other ones

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