Chapter 10: The Kiss

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We locked our eyes together, "Is that the only reason?" I asked pondering for more information.
"Well no." He smiled.
"Well then what's the other reason or reasons?" I asked with a smile spreading across my face.
"The boys happened to inform me I was making a mistake and I could find better." Dally said breaking the eye contact to look at the boys who were obviously staring at us. We Both chuckled lightly.
"Oh yeah, and where's that?" I ask flirty.
"Standing right in front of me." He smiled. God that smile is almost irresistible thought.
"How convenient." I smile shuffling forward a little.
"It really is ain't it?" Dally leaned forward a bit.
"Well you know I like this one guy right." I smile leaning closer as well.
"Tell me about it." He smiled as I connected the space in between us pressing my lips against his. I slid my arms up to his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck . He used one hand to grab my waist and pull my closer and the other to lightly grab by my ear. People talk about all the different kinds of kisses. And trust me when i say I've experienced many but this one, this was like no other. It was gentle but it was also harsh and passionate. We took it slow and no ones tongue got shoved down the other persons throat. It was wonderful. It was gentle.
Once we finally broke apart I looked at his sparkling eyes and smiled. I took a look to my right to see the three boys still watching us and Steve with a bit of disgust on his face.
"Seems like a great guy." Dally said.
"He really is." I smiled at him.
"So if I ask you to hang out tonight would you understand that I'm asking you on a date or should I make that more clear?" He kept his flirty tone.
"Maybe you should be clearer." I shrug.
"Well here's a crazy thought we should go on a date sometime." Dally smirked.
"Well I'm free tonight." I smile.
"How funny because I am too. Why don't I pick you up at seven." Dally said.
"I'm free at seven." I smile.
"Well good cause now you have no excuse." Dally smirked. "See ya tonight but I think your brother over there is dying to get out." He looked over to the fidgety Steve.
"I guess I'll see you later." I jumped on my tippy toes and kissed his forehead.
"Bye Hannah." Dally smiles.
"Bye Dally." I returned his smile.

I walk up to the three boys, "Well are you guys ready?" I asked already heading out of the door. They followed closely behind.
"What happened?"Soda asked impatiently.
"What do you mean?" I smile as I start to mess with him.
"We saw you two kiss." Two said.
"Yeah what about it?" I smirked.
"You can't just kiss one of our best friends and not say anything." Steve said joining in.
"Well we flirted, kissed, flirted some more, and then he asked me out." I smiled.
"No way! When?" Soda asked like a girl.
"Tonight at seven." I laugh at him.
"Well you best go get ready it's already five and we know how long you take." Two laughed.

I got home and instantly ran for my phone and dialed Caitlin's number. Pick up! I yelled. Where are you? I called again. "Hello." Caitlin said.
"Where have you been the past couple of days?" I ask mad but not really mad.
"Um with Jenny Elizabeth Lucas cherry pony." She said so fast I barely heard Lucas.
"A new romance?" I ask.
"I don't know he hasn't asked me on an official date yet." She sighed.
"Well I hate to tell you this in your conditions but first ask Soda what's been happening the last day or two I can't remember." I laugh, "but I'm going on a date with Dally tonight!" I squeal.
"No way! When!" She asked just like soda.
"Tonight at seven." I say once again.
"Go get ready then! Call me after!" She yelled.

I rushed from the phone to my closet and shuffled through everything. I found a white dress with cherries printed across of it and red heels. I went to do I bold yet settle makeup look (picture above). I looked at the mirror and decided to fix my hair. I did an extremely hard look that I figured out how to do two moths ago (picture below).
I walk downstairs and seen Steve tapping his foot while soda and two just sat quietly. They must've heard the click of my heels cause they instantly all turned around. "Is it almost seven?" I say impatiently.
"It's almost seven Dally should be here any minute." Steve nervously smiled.
"Thank the heavens I just want him to be here." I say.
"So-" before soda could finish we heard a car engine then a door open and shut.
"It's happening!" I scream.
"Chill Hannah." Two chuckled.
I heard a knock on the door and my breathing became uneven. "Well are you going to answer it." Steve said.
"Oh yeah." I walked up to the door and slowly open it, "Hey Dally." I smile.
"Hey Hannah." He smiled. "Ready?" He asked.

Hannah's hair

Hannah's hair

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