Chapter 31: Unbelievable

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     Exactly one week later-
     As I was making out with a guy I heard someone call my name. "One minute I'll be right back Brian." I waved evilly to him.
     "My names mark!" He yelled back but I instantly blocked his words out.
     "Hannah can you just come back home!" Steve yelled.
      "I have been home." I smiled.
      "Yea you get home at three a.m in the morning every morning then you sleep till noon then repeat the same cycle. It's not fun anymore." He crosses his arms.
     "First off stop trying to act like my mom. And I'm stilling having fun so bite me." I turned around to continue where I left off but he grabbed tightly on my arm.
      "At least come home and stop by the Curtis house for an hour before you get completely wasted." He dragged my hand pulling me out of the bar.
      "Fine but stop dragging and let me go home and change." I rolled my eyes.

Once I got home I changed into a small black crop top black jean shorts and red a flannel (picture above). It took me thirty minutes to get ready so Steve was getting pretty antsy.
"I'm ready." I came down the stairs.
"Let's go to the Curtis house." He sounded excited but I let out a depressed groan.
"Why haven't you been wanting to go there?" He asked like he didn't know what's been going on.
"Your seriously going to ask that have you not talked to Dally?" I asked.
"No I think he got hauled in why?" He sounded genuinely concerned this time.
"We broke up." My slightly normal face turned to a completely bummed out face.
"Aw Hannah why didn't you tell anyone." He started to come closer to me but I walked away and out the door.
"Because I don't need your guys help I can do my own thing." I claimed.
"Fine just come say hi to the gang they all really miss ya." He caught up to me and patted me on the back.

We got inside the house and everyone started to cheer that i finally stopped by. Especially caitlin and soda. My face grew slowly with excitement till I saw Dally. "I thought you got hauled in." I crossed my arms.
"Well you know people can be released." He rolled his eyes in return.
"That's great. Hey Caitlin how ya been." I smiled at her.
"Uh good." She said with a mixture of nervousness and awkwardness streaming through her words.
"That's great." I smiled at her then whipped my head to Dally. "How's Sylvia ?" The roomed flooded with slight gasps.
"Well since I've been in the cooler I wouldn't be able to tell you." He got up and walked into the kitchen.
"Are you guys okay?" Darry asked actually looking up from his paper.
"We're just fine!" We both yelled in sync causing him to look back at his paper.
"Although I did get a little visitor." He told me.
"Oh yea who?" I yell.
"Well you know him. I believe his name is Jake." He grinned.
"What'd he have to say?" I pretended not to be as nervous as I actually was. I felt my heart race increase by a lot.
"Just has to fill me in on what you've been doing. Asked for your number too." He sat back down.
"You didn't give it to him right?" I ask knowing he knows exactly what Jake is capable of.
"Yea I did actually I figured he sounded like a great guy. You should really go out with him. Can't be any worse then the fifteen guys you made out with this week." Everyone gasped. Steve was about to fight Dally but soda dragged him out of the room. Everyone but Darry followed thinking it was best to have at least one person in the room along with us.
"Dallas Winston you know what he can do! I can't believe you did this! Just because we're over you don't think I'm even important anymore you think it's be just fine if Jake came over to my house and murdered me like he's been dreaming of?" I yell.
"Hannah I could honestly care less about you anymore! I figured out what I needed to figure out in jail and if one thing wasn't more clear it was I should just forget you! Nobody loves you okau your just a waste of space!" He yelled.
"Dallas!" Darry yelled.
"Is that what you really think?" My voice cracked.
"That's what everyone thinks." He sounded dead inside like the usual Dallas Winston but this was far past his limits.
"Out of all people Dallas I thought you'd be the one to support me especially after finding me that one night moments before I was about to kill myself. And now you say this. You said you loved me but I guess that just like everything else was a lie." Tears started to flood down my face.
"Dallas get out of my house right now!" Darry yelled all up in his face. If anyone was tougher than Dallas it was Darry. As soon as Dallas casually strolled out of the house Darry wrapped his arms around me allowing me to cry as much as I needed.

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