Chapter 11: My Girl

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    We walked to the car as I smiled brightly. I opened my own door knowing Dally surely won't as he walked to his side. "Are you ready?" He asked.
     "Yea I am." I smiled looking at him as he drove off. As I took my eyes off of dally and moved them to on road I realized I had no clue where we were going. "Where are you taking me?"
      "Surprise?" He sort of asked.
      "Ugh whatever." We both chuckled.
      "Ya know Hannah you look really good." He smiled taking his eyes off the road for a second to look at me.
      "Why thanks Dally you don't look too bad yourself." I smiled.
      "I'm glad you agreed to this date." He chuckled.
     "I'm glad I did too." I looked at him as he drove. I put my hand on the little council in between us and rested. I soon felt his hand join mine as he thumb began to stroke my hand.
      "We're here." He said slyly.
      "Where are we?" I laughed looking out the window to see a small building surrounded my trees.
      "I don't know some diner I went to a while back that reminded me of you." He got out of the car. I followed his actions and got out of the car. We walked into the diner that wasn't your average 80s diner we see around Tulsa. Half of it was this bold side that was filled with millions of colors while the other side was very settle and down to earth looking.    
     He led me in the direction of the bolder side and directed me into the booths at the very end. I sat down on one side while he sat on the other. We both grabbed menus and began searching for we wanted. "I'm shocked your brother agreed to this." He laughed as he searched for what he wanted.
    "He kind of set this up." I joined as we both sat there laughing as we looked around.
    The waitress soon came up and instantly had eyes on Dally, "how can I help you?" She smiled innocently.
     "I'd like a burger fries and a coke." Dally closed the menu as he looked at her. She was about to walk away with only dallys order.
     "Oh hi there ya know I'd like to order too!" I glared her in the eyes as she tried to pass me.
     "Fine please do so." She rolled her eyes and tapped her pencil against her paper.
      "I'd like a burger fries and a vanilla milkshake." I slammed my menu closed and placed it on the table. She walked quickly away. "What the hell?" I raised my voice.
     "She's just another annoying waitress." He rolled his eyes.
     "Well you seem to enjoy it." I glare back at the waitress.
     "Maybe I did." He smirked.
     "Would you like me better if I wore a tight little waitress outfit." I Sighed.
     "That'd be really hot. Like it looks good on waitresses but Hannah you'd top them all." He smirked at me up and down.
    "Well I am looking for a job." I smirked as I leaned over the table.
    He leaned over the table, "that'd be even better." He grinned.

    We continued our lunch which consisted of us both talking a lot while laughing. Also a lot of flirting especially when the waitress came around. At the end Dally left money on the table while I walked up and asked for a job. "There's a paper you need to sign then just turn it in soon." The manager said rudely.
"You can count on that." I sarcastically said. I filled out a piece of paper then slammed it on the counter telling them what it was. "Call me." I laugh as we leave.
We both get in the car and burst out laughing. "Did you see her face when I slammed the paper?" I wheezed.
"You should've seen her face when you walked out." He laughed.
"Probably not hearing from them anytime soon." I smiled.
"What a shame." He said looking at me.
"I know right." I smile.
"Do you want to go to Bucks?" Dally asked with a smirk.
"Hell yes." I say with an evil grin.
We get back to his place and we head up to his room. Before he even shuts the door we started to kiss. I pushed him inside and he kicked the door closed and I heard the door lock. We moved closer to the bed and things started to already get heated up. I felt a tug on my dress and I instantly knew what was going to happen.

I fell asleep afterwards and started to wake up. I seen Dally sleeping peacefully next to me. I looked at him then laid my head on his chest. I then heard him start to wake up. This is the only guy I've actually wanted to talk to afterwards. "Hey dally." I smiled As I attempted to sit up but only got dragged back down.
"Hey Hannah." He kissed the top of my head.
"What time is it?" I ask.
I felt him shift over, "two." He said blankly.
"A.m!" I shout as I got up and searched for my dress.
"Yes." He started at me.
"Shit Steve's gonna know what we did." I pull my dress on.
"Don't you think he'd expect it" he got up and threw clothes on.
"I don't know maybe but I'm just going to go home." I said.
"Well I'm giving you a ride." He walked out to the room as I followed.

Once I got home I gave Dally a kiss in the car not expecting him to follow me to my door. I looked at him weirdly. "What can I not walk you to the door." He mocked.
"Not the Dally I know but whatever." I laughed.
"Well I had a question." He said leaning me against the door as he put one hand up and placed it on the door near my head.
"And what's that?" I grin.
"Would you be my girl?" He asked with a smile.
"For sure." I smiled as I leaned into a kiss.
He pulled away, "bye Hannah."
"Bye Dally." I smiled and walked into my house hoping not to see Steve. I slowly crept in and did not expect to see what I saw as I entered.

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