Chapter 25: Violence

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    "Hey cutie need a drink?" The voice sounded drunk but I was only halfway there so I could barely tell.
"Sure." I smiled then turned around. "Never mind." I whined looking at Dally staring at me.
"Didn't know you were here. Why are you here?" He asked in disgust.
"Because I can do whatever I want." I smiled.
"Not everything." He said under his breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.
"Well you can't date me." He laughed.
"Well I don't want to." I walked closer to him. "But soon you'll come begging to get back with me." I whisper in his ear. I then bring my lips close to his and brush them together. "Bye dally." My lips rubbed against his.
"Well Hannah long time no see." Someone said as I made my way away from Dally.
"Oh my God Jake." I jumped up and down then into his arms as he spun me around. Then out of no where he laid a kiss on my lips. Jake was my ex boyfriend from seventh grade. "I missed you." I separated our lips.
"I missed you more." He spun me around again.
"Well your the one who left."  I rolled my eyes.
       "Someone gotten Sassier." He said looking me up and down.
      "I've always been sassy." I parted further from him.
      "I miss us." He said. I looked back at Dally and felt pain. Although we're over part of me still wants him. Although it's hard to admit I think i still love him.
     "Well you screwed up." I said. "Plus it was seventh grade relationship did you really even feel a connection." I told him.
     "Hannah I know I messed up and I messed up bad but I'm back. And you know I had no choice but to leave." He silently whined.
     "It was your choice to make the mistake." I turned around.
     "That's the point it was a mistake." He grabbed my shoulder harshly.
     "Your trying to tell me it was an accident?" I said angrily as o pulled from his grip.
     "I wasn't planning for it to go that far." He whined.
     "Well guess what it did." I told him.
     "Hannah it wasn't that big of a deal." He acted as if it were nothing we'll let me tell you it definitely was something.
     "So killing your friend is no big deal." I yell causing attention from everyone there.
     "I was in seventh grade and it was an accident!" He yelled. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bar so we could talk privately.
     "Jake He kissed me once and you flipped that gave you no right." I start to breathe heavily.
     "Hannah I didn't try why can't you understand that!" He yelled as he grabbed my wrist and shoved me against the wall.
     "Jake you need to calm down." I said calmly.
     "That's exactly what Brian said and look where he is now!" He yelled holding my wrist even tighter.
     "Oh come on you can't do this!" I yelled.
     "Do you not want to visit Brian?" He asked raising me off the ground.
     "This this is why we can't be together your small things that are meant to be accidents turn out to be murder!" I yelled loud enough maybe someone could hear. But with my luck the music is too loud and people are having fun and the people outside can't hear a thing.
     "Sorry hannah but i never thought you'd be next." He brought his hand up to my throat and raised me high off the group. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe anymore. And that's when someone came to my rescue.
     "Hannah!" Caitlin yelled.
     The next thing I know is I got knocked to the floor as Caitlin held me in her arms. I watched someone familiar beat up Jake. It was Lucas. "Tha-Thank you." I coughed out. 
     Lucas came over and crouched down besides us. "Who the hell was that?" He asked out of breathe.
     "Murder ex." I smiled as I was still coughing. If I was still with dally none of this would've happened. Dally would've knocked him out the second he said hello to me. I miss him.
      "I'm going to get some water for you." Caitlin left.
      I just seen him but I miss him. I miss his voice. His soft hair that's rarely ever greased. I miss the way he looks at me. I miss his hugs. I miss the feeling of our lips together.
      "Aren't you dallys girl?" Lucas asked.
      "I was." I nervously smiled. "Your Lucas right?" I asked.
      "Yea. Hannah?" He asked.
      "That's me. I've heard Caitlin talk about you. I think she likes you a lot." I smiled.
      "That's a relief I thought she only made out with me cause she was drunk." He laughed.
      "That might be the reason she straight up kissed you she gets pretty shy. It's adorable." I laughed.
     "I look forward to that." He smiled.
     "I'm back with your water Hannah." She giggles handing me the water. "I would like to know why Dally wasn't out here." She sat down.
     "Cause we broke up." I rolled my eyes.
     "Oh sweetie he's been a mess. He went to the Curtis house and barely even talked to Johnny. He still loves you." She rubbed my back.
     "Well he does a great job at showing it." I laughed.
     "You should talk to him." She smiled.
     "I will!" I yelled.

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