✨✈Airplane Mode✈✨ ⚜part 1⚜

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You sat there cold, freezing.
You were shivering and your teeth were chattering quietly
You didn't want to bother Russia, because you thought
He might judge you or be annoyed. You sat there with a frown, as
Your emotions began to become cold. As Russia was reading
his book. He finally notices and looks at you. You were tucked
Into a ball and had blue socks on, a white shirt and jeans. You
Were looking at the TV screen you still haven't turned on. Russia was
Very concerned, but was too shy and nervous to ask, and now he
Regreted not saying anything. While you wern't paying attention. He
Lifts up the arm rest and moves you closer to him and wraps his jacket
Around you. You look at him and blush while, having a cute, but worried
And confused look on your face. He closed his book and put it inside the
Large pocket. You noticed he was blushing brightly. As he placed his Ushanka
On your head. You felt an arm around your leg, that was tucked in your chest.
He says with a serious look " Are you cold? " He asked in his Thicc russian accent.
You nodd then smiled, then leaned your head in his shoulder and said " Thank you "
He placed his head on yours and he said " Your welcome " Then you both drift
to sleep.

You both were sitting in your seats as the sunset sets down
Into night. You were finnished eating your plane food. But you saw
He has not touched his food. " Austria, why are you not eating? "
He didn't noticed at first, as he was day dreaming, staring into the window
As it was night. You ask a again "Austria? Are you ok?" You were concerned
, he finally notices and was startled. " oh gosh, i'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention.
Is everything o-" He tried to appologize, as you put your slim soft finger on his mouth.
" You've been very anxious and paniced. Are you alright? You didn't your food" You say Calmly, your voice, soft and calm like an angel. As Austria hears your voice he begins To blush.You take your finger away, as he says he's ok, but he was lying,  as he sweats when he lies. You place your warm and soft hand on his cheek while gently Stroking it, you look away " What's on your mind? Is there memory or something clinging to You?" You say as you look at him, with a calm but worried look. He blushes hard, as he touches The back of your hand that was on his cheek, and strokes it. As he smiles brightly. You blush Brightly as you take your hand away. " tell me" You plead. He finally answers " i miss my home And, i'm scared of coming back" He says while looking at the window, as hr frowns. He felt a  Warm hand on the side of his head and a gentle force as his head was now leaning on your Shoulder. " It's ok, everything will be just fine. Sometimes when you miss something and want to Come back to it. You must know that it will change, and everything can be different. Everything doesn't just stay the same. But mabye that's a good thing" You say, as he looks up at you with A cute and concerned look, as tears of joy? Fall down. You hug him, as he hugs back. As tuck your Legs in off from the floor, as your head onto Austria's shoulder. He smiles, and kisses your head, knowing that he loves you very much, as he falls asleep, while leaning his head onto yours. As you both drfit to dreamland.

You notice Poland wasn't very bubbly or bright anymore.
As you know what has happened to him, you were extremely worried.
You remembered that you had something special to give to him. But you thought he
wouldn't like you anymore. You had it inside your pocket, as you thought mabye you
Should give it to him. But you thought he would reject you or find it stupid. You were so Stressed and sad, you didn't realize you were crying, you just wanted him to be happy And to love you. You felt a large but soft hand on your lap. As you looked at the tall  Cute and tough, person. As Poland puts his hand on your cheek, and looks deep in your Eyes, with worry and care. " y/n. Are you ok? " He says softly, as he strokes the tears from Your face away. You touch his hand that was on your cheek, and look away. His other hand  Reaches to your other cheek, as he gently makes you look at him. Your tears worsen as you Felt your throat choke up, as you thought you were gonna burst into tears and cry. But his Words calmed you, and made you feel better. " y/n. You know i'm here, what's the matter?" You reach into your pocket, and grab a silver knecklace, with a hoop and a star in the middle.You grab one of his hand and place it, gently in his palm. As you close his fingers. He lets go of Your other cheek, as you look at him. As he looks at the knecklace, and puts it on. He looks at you With confusion,conern and joy. He saw those beautiful eyes, the dried tears of an angel. The silky (h/c) (h/l)Hair, and the lips, with colof and glee. Your eyebrows less tense. As your cheeks glow. He asks " Did you get this for me?" You nodand blush, while hiding in the legs you tucked into your chest. He lifts up your chin. He smiles with tears falling down his face, as he kisses you with joy, You felt your whole world spin. As the kiss was warm and passionate. You both stop and look eachother in the eyes. " i have been wanting to give you this, but i was not sure if- " you were cut off, by a deep and warm hug. As he whispers " Thank you, so much " He lets you cuddle, as You both fall asleep.

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