🇭🇺 A sunset River 🇭🇺

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* short *

" GRY!!!! GRY!!!!! "  You yelled hitting his shoulder. You and him were meeting each other at a river and as he stood there staring right in front he didn't notice you hitting his shoulder. " GRY GRY CAN YOU HEAR ME?! " Ypu yelled as you gripped his cheek. He gasped and turned to you in shock " Sorry sorry but I stood here for 2 minutes and you didn't notice I was here " you said sadly. He smiled and

Patted your head as he said " Oh sorry y/n I didn't notice. My bad " Hungry said embarrassed as he rubbed his shoulder.  You both laughed as you then said " So um.. why'd you like to do today? " You said cutely. He blushed and said " Oh uhh I didn't think far ahead from here. Sorry I'm not too sure " he said and sweated while looking away as he chuckled.
" No worries there's a food stall right there so we can just have picnic! " You said excited. He

smiled and said " such a nice idea " he said admiring your creativity and not making it awkward. You smiled it was 6:35 and sundown was at 8:44 in June, you smiled and pulled his hand then started to walk across the street. He blushed and held your hand in return as you both headed to the food store which looked more like local store, you were more delighted because you might be helping a family. You and Hungry stood in front and looked at all the

Delicious fruit " Gry? What would you like? " you asked happily. He looked at you for a moment before shaking his head and said " oh nothing! It's ok, w-what would you like? " He nervously offered. You blushed lightly as you smiled " hmm an apple please! " you smiled brightly. He laughed and took an apple and walked up the counter, he talked to the man in Hungarian, you always thought it was pretty chit when he spoke his mother language. He

Then came up to you handing the apple as you smiled and hugged him for a second, you took a bite of the apple as you smiled in delight " mmmmmmmmm crunchy!! It's so! Juice! " You said happily. Hungary blushed and laughed as you then said " Thank you Gry! " you said as he smiled, you both started to walk down the street, on the side there was the long river and grass so people could sit down. You then suddenly pulled his arm and ran down the street onto the

Grass lot and sat down, " wow, you really want to sit near this river y/n " He said as you looked at him while eating the apple " ya of course! It's sunset and I love a long river with a grass path next to it, it's pretty and relaxing " you explained. He smiled and pulled you closer to him, you blushed hard as you then asked " can I? Sit in your lap? " you asked quietly. He then picked you up and sets you in his cross crossed lap, he laid his chin on your head as you continued to

Eat the apple, after it was almost done you sprinkled the seeds on the ground, no longer needing the rest. You hold Hungary's arm in comfort as you both watched the river flow, and the sunset shimmer, you then looked up at him and asked " Hungary, even though we're just friends. Do you love me? " You asked in curiosity, Hungary's heart ache, as he felt tears forming in his eyes, you saw and turned to face him as you wiped his tears away and asked

" Hungary what's the matter!? Why are you crying?! " You asked frantically as he wipes his face with his arm " I- I think I love you m-more than that way y/n " he said quietly, knowing full well he did. You then moved his arm away as you lifted up his chin to make him look at you, he looked at you with teary eyes and confusion and a bit of fear, you then smiled slightly and immediately kissed him on the lips, he was stunned and fell backwards, with you on top

still kissing him. You rested your hands on his chest as he looked at you in shock, his eyes very wide, however he didn't let go of your lips with his, in fact he wrapped his arms around your waist as he deepens teen kiss, god it felt like heaven to him, and it felt the same with you. After a few long minutes later, you pulled away and pulled him back up " I love Gry, more than that " you whispered as he said " I love you too y/n, so much" He said as you both stayed in each other's presence.

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