The most innocent // 🇳🇿NZealCan🇨🇦 //

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It was easy to deceive people for them, because they mask themselves as to be loving, sweet, kind hearted, joyful, and always happy. New Zealand and Canada were brothers, their parents had divorced, leaving only those two together, America and Australia had gone to live with their mother, so for a period of time in their teenage hood, they only live together, and only occasionally saw your brothers and Mother once every year. It was fine like that,

America and Australia were a bit disappointed. However, since the two brothers had never contacted them, they assumed that they didn't really want to see them at all. Lately the two brothers have been working together, for someone, and it wasn't a good job. It was domestic servitude. They contributed in the work, they worked for someone. " who should we aim for now? " New Zealand asked as he looked at his brother with an evil grin.

Canada sighed coldly " I'm not sure yet, our production rate has slow down due to many casualties in the facilities, we are short on employment. We'll need about six more contributors, luckily, we both have the skill in convincing people into our working. Luckily, none of them have escaped from our signed contracts. But we're low, we'll need to start tomorrow morning at 8:37 down the street in mid square " Canada said in a monotone tone voice as he held a few pieces of

Paper " ahhh mid square, you say? That's where rush hour starts, perfect idea, we should plan soon. I was confused to why it had to be at 8:37 in the morning however, at the time at night, I see people just want to go home, so they're not looking for any business... unless it's important or from pure desperation " New Zealand, said with a calm yet ominous tone.  " I need you to create a few applications for tomorrow " Canada said as his eyes move towards his brother

and then back at the paper. " yes, of course. However, let's discuss more. New Zealand said as he moved to the couch, he sat down, Canada, then following his brother then sitting next to him. " what is it this time? " Canada said as he placed the pieces of paper on the glass table " what could you possibly mean by that? " New Zealand said, as he smiled wider. " don't give me that look. Convey your proposal " Canada said as he leaned back into the couch. " why so coldly? What's the matter nada?

" New Zealand asked as his smile furrowed. " nothing it's just this plan hast to work if it fails. We could be short on coverage, and the result rate could decrease rapidly " Canada, said to his brother, looking deep into his eyes. " please relax, I understand that we have to be professional at this, but your aura is suffocating me " New Zealand said, as he rolled his eyes. Canada came closer to his brother " do you want to fail? " he whispered..

New Zealand felt sweat falling down on the side of his head " no " he replied, as he then looked away, annoyed. " listen, brother. Know that I have deep regards for you, but we are in the work field, we must stay focused " Canadas that as his tone softened. New Zealand looked back at him and sighed calmly after then nodding his head. " I guess you're right. " New Zealand said barely opening his mouth. Canada laid down and then pulled his brother into his chest " relax, I get how you feel "

Canada said as he then stared into the ceiling up above. " I think I got it. Should we go for our other two brothers? " New Zealand proposed as Canada thought for a second. " that could be a possibility to add to our factor, however, I heard that our two brothers are working for someone important, and I suppose since we know them from birth, that they dream widely. They certainly want to make a fortune out of something or from something. However, I don't think.

We could indulge in that possibility yet, our brothers are smart, yet immaturely enthusiastic about anything. But I certainly am very curious to what they are working in " Canada said as he looked and his brother's eyes. " well, maybe that could be our next goal for later. Right now we need to attempt this idea and achieve all the intention we had planned " New Zealand said as he raised his hands on his brothers chest. " I have no disagreement " Canada said as he then slightly smiled. " I really do like your smile brother " New Zealand said as he smiles back.

" right now we need to lay low, we need to seem important, but not too important, important enough for people to be convinced enough to work in our production " Canada said as New Zealand nodded. It had been a long day, New Zealand and Canada lived in an apartment in the city near a busy community. New Zealand yawned " getting tired there? " Canada asked as he chuckled to himself. " yes definitely, this shit isn't as easy as it's imagined. However, we need to precisely work to make sure it works just like a

rube goldberg machine. All parts are different yet detailed, coordinated and planned " New Zealand said as he then shuts his eyes. Canada smiled and kissed his brother's for head, he saw his brother falling asleep. They had rooms however, they were not bother it at that moment. Canada yawned to himself. Soothing his brother by rubbing his back and slowly he felt his eyes become heavier and heavier. He did one final sigh after than drifting off to sleep, they had a lot to do in the morning, but they didn't know is that they had a limit to achieve this goal.

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