🇹🇼 The Deep waters 🇹🇼

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* short *

" you are way too close Miss y/n " The man said as you turned to your side. You were leaning against the rail of the ship as you then stood back up and turned to your side. Taiwan stood there staring at you as you took a step away from the rail. Taiwan down then crossed his arms, and stared at the deep blue waters below. He tsked while staring at the deep waters then said " seems like nothings new " He whispered. You were on a military

experimental ship, a huge navy one, there were 57 soldiers,  15 medics,  8 scientists, 12 engineers, 3 sailors, 2 commanders, 5 deputy chiefs, 12 chefs and 18 suppliers. Out of everyone there wasn't really anyone who was female besides a few medics, you were only there to accompany one of the commanders, and that was Taiwan, who was the partner of the highest rank in command . " apologies " You said quietly " You are here to stock and move placements

down below the ship where I shall accompany you, you are one out of the suppliers. Some, carrying fuel, food, ammunition, equipment and spare parts to provide operational support to other ships or combat forces that are far from ports for extended periods. You are here to transport water, water barrel dispensers in each room below, including bedrooms and bathrooms.. now let's get started shall we? " He explained firmly. Taiwan turned to the right

and saw the open hatch. He looked at you and raised his eyebrow as you then nodded and started to walk down stairs, the stairs were cement and it was steep and dark, luckily there was a lamp every 6 steps, you were walking down at a decent paste, trying not to trip or go too slow, but safely. All while Taiwan always kept 2 stair steps away from you basically meaning to hurry up, you gulped and started to go a little fast, you couldn't mess up. After, you both both came to the lowest level where all the water

Barrels were kept in stock, you counted each row and column, there were 10 rows and 5 columns. 50 barrels...You sighed quietly knowing this was going to be tough. " let's see how you do, I'm going to observe you for 15 minutes,I want to clearly make sure that you're capable of doing this, each barrel contains 55 gallons of water, weighing 37kg " He said as you slightly sweated. He then looked at you suddenly making you turn away. " Got it sir " You said as you walked up to the first barrel. You didn't have any idea how you were going to get to the ground since it was on Row 5.

Suddenly you got an idea, there was a ring hole up above and a long rope on the side of the wall with a ladder and hook. You grabbed all of it then opened the ladder and moved it near the ring hole and begun to climb. You put the rope through the whole, and tied the hook to the end of the rope and let it fall down, Taiwan had no idea what you were possibly doing but he was very much intrigued. He stood till, didn't move the slightest, and the only thing that moved was his eyes, following you with every move. You got down from the ladder and hooked it to the first barrel. You went

Back and started to climb, you stood and as you were about to pull the rope. Suddenly the ship shook hardly, tilting and rocking causing you to lose your balance as the ladder fell. You closed and held your eyes preparing to hit the ground, when you then felt arms carrying you, someone's touch, a graceful act in savior. You opened your hands and opened your eyes and looked up to see the tall man open his eyes, he was kneeling. You then felt him get up, and then look at you, his eyes changed from cold to deep hidden worry to the person he was looking at.

" S-Sir? " you asked while blushing while looking up at him. You felt light, a soft warm feelings, a feeling of sudden comforting safety. He shook his head slightly and cleared his throat, he put you down to your feet and after 10 seconds of silence he then spoke " well my, y/n it seems that there are much more important matters I must attend to, don't worry you can still continue to do your work. Of the ship ever hit anything the orange light above us would've come on. I'm not sure what that was but please be careful " He said as you nodded and said softly " Yes Sir.... " Being a bit distracted.

" Y/n are you even listening? " His tone changed. You shook your head as the blush faded away and cleared your throat " Yes sir, I will do as told " You said clearly. He slightly smiled and walked up to you, making you lose all your confidence, his tall presence suddenly making you feel like you're shrinking. You started to shiver as he then bent down " I hope there is an explanation for this turn of event, I surely hope nothing else will come of it. Please be safe, I don't want you to get injured. If something goes wrong with the ship, I'll come to get

You immediately and if you hurt yourself please call for me " He said slightly softer. You blushed slightly and nodded " Yes Sir " You slightly smiled. He chuckled cutely and stood up taking a distance " You can address me as Taiwan " He said then showed a smiled. You blushed again, hard this time and smiled trying to distract him from your blush. " Yes Taiwan " You said in your own voice. He nodded the changed his expression and swiftly walked to the stairs and walked up, for the rest of the day, for the rest of your work, you couldn't help, but think about him, his voice and his...smile.

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