💌Love Cards~💌 (part 3)

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You look at Russia surprised to get something from him, especially at unexpected moments

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You look at Russia surprised to get something from him, especially at unexpected moments. " It's for you, you only " He says backing you up into a wall as he puts a hand on your right side leaning close to your face as he noticed fear. You turned back to the unopened envelope as you started to read the words. You squeal as you started to blush, you turn your face away as he chuckles.

" I'm look slightly better than road kill " Iu huff as you leaned against the wall. He frowns as he says " You're pretty, cute mostly " You flinched as you sharply turned your face to look at him as you covered your mouth with the card. Your blush was so bright it covered your whole face, Russia smiles as he puts his other hand against the left side as he leans closer. You felt nervous while turning your head and closed your eyes,
He licks your neck as he swirls his tongue around the part where your neck curves to your

shoulder. You moaned quietly as he begun to bite down, you moan as he left thick spit and hard bites on your neck. He pulls you in closer as he does the same thing but lower " Russia no, not in public in an alleyway " You groan, he huffed as he holds your hand while both of you started to walk. You didn't know where you were going until you saw a big sign that said " Hotel "

You were hanging around in your bedroom with Germany, as you the movie endedYou turned off your computer as you got off from the bed and set it down on your desk

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You were hanging around in your bedroom with Germany, as you the movie ended
You turned off your computer as you got off from the bed and set it down on your desk. " let's do something else " You say getting back on the bed. Germany smirked as he leans closer and gives you a card, you giggled in confusion. You read the card and looked at him as if he were joking

" Germany you're joking right? " You ask. He pushed you on the bed as he slowly climbs on top of you " Let's do it " He grind as he opened his shirt revealed the BDSM clothes and straps (?) You blushed and looked away as he gets off and unbuckled his belt. You decided to leap off your bed and out of there, but you were pulled back by Germany's hand as you falls down and sat in his lap. He tied your. Arms behind your back as he rips your shirt into pieces, you wearing a red and

blacked lingerie bra as he says " Y/n~" He smiles as you tried to scream but he puts a gag in your mouth. He takes off your shorts as he rubbed his cock against your clit, your pussy becoming wetter. You moan as he rubs your boobs as licked and bit your shoulder causing them to bleed and mix with saliva. He grins as you moan, you didn't want to, but now you did. You smile as he kept teasing you, Germany smirked knowing what he will do next.

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