🇨🇦 His instant love 🇨🇦

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* Short *

" Nada Nada Nada!! Slow down please!! " You yelled in desperation as he twirls you around and picks you up holding your waist and butt " Oh sorry y/n I'm just sooooo exciteddd to see you again!! " he said in excitement " what really? We've only known each other for 2 days, yesterday I had just met you from America and we hung out the whole day, and I bumped you into this morning " You said unable to stop blushing " And here we are now~ " He said softly

You squeeled and started to lighting punch his forehead for him to put you down. He started laughing as you noticed how sweet and gentle his laugh was, he puts you down and says " Hehe I know we-we don't know each other w-ell but I couldn't wait to see you again. You're such an amazing kind friend " he laughs as he pulls you in close for a hug, he holds your waist as you lay your hands on his chest, unable to stop blushing. " I know we don't know each other well

And maybe for like 2 days but you inspired me when... We had that.. lovely conversation " he bushed and turned away. You smiled brightly, he glances at you and immediately turns away from how pretty your eyes and smile was. You wrap your hands around his neck and kissed him on his forehead, very quickly cuz you had to jump and you were much shorter than him. He gasped lightly and looked at you as you giggled.

" Y/n... . . . .. . " He said softly " yes?? " You said in a persistent manner " w-why did you do that? "He said his face still blushed and flustered. You're heart sunk " oh uhh nada I- " you pulled away " I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make uncomfortable, I just thought you'd like it, oh dear I was wrong Canada I'm so sor- " he shushed you with his finger and kissed your cheek. He picked you up and swirled you around again " y/n I loved it, sorry I just didn't expect that hehe "

You smiled at him then looked at his gorgeous light blue eyes, he raised his hand out in front of you as he raised his eybrow. He then said " come with me to a cafe? A waffle place? " You blushed hard and nodded in excitement, he smiled brightly and took your hand as you both started walking. You patterned with his hand and gripped it gently as he squeezed tight twice, you giggled and did the same. He stops and looks at your hand then kisses it as you looked away all red. You both started walking again and after a few minutes you both arrived at the

Doors of the cafe. He walks up to it and opens it for you and bows down like a gentleman, you giggled while blushing then curtsied as a joke. You both laughed after you rushed in pulling Canadas arm on the way in. You looked at the place all around, it was like a 1950's diner however everything was Orange and white, long windows everywhere, you felt him pull your hand and come to a table where he sits you down. After you both decided what you want you both decided to chat, you both chatted about life, hobbies, interests. Favorite things,

friends, family, each other. However after an hour went by you felt yourself slowly fall for him, however your heart hurt because you were scared that he was only being nice to you, maybe he wasn't but to protect yourself you thought so. You only ordered a milkshake, as you sadly slippered on it while Canada ate his waffle, he shoved a piece in your mouth and looked at you worried. You smiled and ate the piece in delight as you then sighed and looked away slightly frowning. He gets up and sits next to you and touches your shoulder, you turn to him

As he then asked " what's the matter Butterfly? " He asked softly as you blushed hard " you're so beautiful when you smile, tell me what's the matters.. " He said in a calm concerned tone. You blushed and slightly looked away " Are you just being nice to me? Are you like this with everyone? Every girl?... " You then whispered. He kisses your cheeks " no y/n... I'm just like this with you, because I feel like I can be my true self when I'm with you, I can be happy so

Ecstatic, loving, show so much energy without someone thinking it's annoying. I know it's so soon but I already feel such.. love towards you.. and I hope that doesn't sound bad y/n " you smile then kissed his cheek to which he blushed super hard, his face, calm eyes and a slight open mouth. You looked away in embarrassment as he grabs your face, making you look at him. " I love that " he said softly as you looked at his lips. You felt your eyes droop,

Canada saw what you wanted to do and slowly kissed your lips. You closed your eyes as you both kissed, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he gripped your back and waist. You both pulled away and looked at each other while blushing and smiling " Do you love me? " you whispered, he looked up and down of you while grinning " yes Butterfly I do love you cry much " he said as you smiled widely. After you both got up, Canada paid which you felt shy about and left starting to walk to a park where you both had your first date.

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