🇺🇸 When i lost your touch 🇷🇺

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* short *

America kept wondering around the street. It was pretty, all around him was a town on one side, full of street lamps, houses w small fences and gardens, benches, a brick road and a few trees and on the other was a whole field, a never ending field. Plain grass covering the land, and a forest scattered in chunks. America saw pathways on the field, as well as tiny flowers growing from the ground and a far away lake. He looked around in desperation, there was

No one, no one except the beautiful sunrise in front of him. He sighed, seeing the sun slowly going down, he had lost Russia. They were both walking down the streets and was about to go to a small cafe for some take away ice cream like they did every Friday afternoon, but this time when they were both walking. Somehow America had lost Russia, and saw that the tall large man was no longer next to him, it was cold, all he wore was a baggy grey-ish black sweater,

dark black leggings, red ankle boots and sunglasses. He shivered, knowing how much he hated the cold, it was bothering him quite hard. As he looked at the sun, he noticed that each breath he exhaled, smoke would come out of his mouth, it was getting colder, he frantically looked around to see if he noticed where he was, but he didn't. He walked a bit further more, all the way up to a zebra crossing, he couldn't go far and he knew he wouldn't. He had no idea where

He was, starting to tear up and shake even more, he held his hands together and rubbed them in desperate search of a spark of warmth.  " p-please, please let me find my way home, p-please have my darling find me or I find him, please d-don't let me stay here to freeze " He whispered to himself closing his eyes.  All he remembered was Russia telling him not to move every time he got lost and stay in the position they both were last in, so he stayed there. It was very hard to keep his cool

But he felt himself warm up slightly due to his panic. All of a sudden he felt a grip on his hand then a chest that he bumped into, he held the man's arm and looked up, the arm letting go of his wrist as it wrapped around his waist. He looked up to see the man of his dreams look down upon him with a worried but angry expression " America! What I'm the world were you doing?! I specifically told you not to keep moving around every time you got lost, how

In my mind am I going to find you if I trace back my steps to see you're not on the path?!, America?! Are you even listening?! " Russia yelled as well as he looked desperate for a reply. Ame was too shocked to even reply since the miracle of being in his hold had caused him to calm down and slightly freeze. All that came was warm tears out from his eyes as he continued to look at Russia in the eyes. Russias expression changed into soft worry as he clung him

Tighter. " Ame? My sweet darling? " He said calmly as Ame finally said " I'm so sorry l, I didn't mean to... I just panicked and all I wanted to try find.. you first " He whispered slightly as Russia gave a big sigh. Russia closed his eyes and gave him a relieved hug as he whispered " No no please don't cry, I'm sorry for yelling, I, I just, I was just very worried about you.. I thought I had already completely lost you " He said as he loosened his grip and kissed Ame on the cheek.

Russia looked around and saw the pitch black night, the lights all over the city's streets and many people walking by. He then looked back at his lover and said " Let's go home my dear " He said happily, as Ame gave a faint smile and took his hand. Russia holding it tighter than before so he made sure he wouldn't lose his grip again. Russia and Ame started to cross the street and walked home which was only a 15min walk. After walking from the busy areas they finally came down to the street where it was most

Calm and silent, they finally made it home and when they entered their apartment Russia grabbed Ame and looked at him again " Honey, I'm so glad you're safe and you're alright, please, let's cook, eat and watch a movie to relax " He said as his eyes turned softer. Ame smiled and said " Of course, I love that, I love you " and hugged his much taller Boyfriend. Russia laughed as he hugged him back. For the rest of the night, they both laughed, smiled, made funny jokes, and spent the night together, happily.

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