🕊🌅I can feel them!🪓❤️

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Warning: Nazi is included as Poland is
Fighting with his past fear. As it
Also has nationality self worth.

Poland didn't feel well lately as he was struggling with Trauma and insomnia. He didn't want to see Germany and didn't want to see anyone. He locked himself inside his house and shit all blinds, locked all doors and had only a limited amount of lights.

The last time you saw him was a week ago, where you saw him in the market and said hi and started talking to each other. That's how you got to know him so well as he was now a close friend, but distanced the relationship. You went up to his door and knocked, there was no answer, you tried again and the door opened a little and you saw

A glimpse of Poland. The door fully opened as Poland looked at you in shock and concern and asked " Why are you here?" He asked while sobbing. You instantly hug him and cried " Poland, I missed you so much, I'm so glad you " He pulled you in and shut the door and locked it, he pushed you away as you slammed into the wall hard. You were hurt as you

Tried to stand back on your feet. Poland took a few seconds to see what he did as he tried to hug you, but you backed away a little. You started to cry thinking he was gonna hurt you again. But said " y/b I'm so sorry. Please come here, I didn't mean to " He gestured for a hug as he was actually genuine, as a few tears escaped his eyes. You slowly walk up to him

And hugged him calmly as he hugs you tight not letting go " I'm so glad you're here, your the most one out of the people I wanted to see " He said laying his chin on your shoulder. You smile and asked " Poland, tell me. I know there's something wrong, and you need to tell me " You said touching his shoulder. " I'm having

Dreams that feel so real. Ww2, the Nazi's they came back, they're going to kill me, I can feel them!!" He panicked. You pull him in your lap as he cried in your chest. You stroke his back as you tell him to calm down. " Poland I know a way that can ease your trauma against one of the most scaring things that happened to you. But in order to that, I'm afraid it will include

A large shock or scare " He nods in agreement knowing how painful this will be, but he didn't wanna suffer forever, so he asked " how do we do this? " " well first we need to sleep, I need to sleep with you " He blushed as you said " oh Poland I meant go to bed at the same time with you " You stutter as he smiles for a quick second. He grabs your arm and goes upstairs to

His bedroom. You look at his large bed as he smiles and nods as you knew what he meant. You took off your H&M jacket as you laid on is bed, you wore waist Jean shorts and a tight white shirt. He took off his brown sweater and got on the bed with you, he wore a white shirt with a collar and black pants. " ok, now Poland. We are gonna have to sleep, but when you sleep you cannot move, ok? " You say firmly
He brings you in and cuddles you as you excepted and relaxed and went to bed while being close to him.

You appear in a dark abyss as you see Poland already waiting. He looks at you and flies closer  to you as you ask " Poland are you ready " He nods " Remember there is no turning back. Just remember that you are strong and that you have the power and potential to defeat fears that you think, you cannot overcome " He smiles and says " Thank you"  As you both stopped floating and stood on the dark abyss.

As you see the ground crack as red neon lights
occur in every crack, you saw it went straight for Poland, Poland didn't see it come fast, as he felt the ground below his vanish as he hung from the edge of the broken black floor in the abyss. He felt hands grab him as he started to whimper, knowing he will be pulled down. You stood there saying

" Poland, do not call for me to help you in aid. This is your fear, you have to overcome the fears yourself as they are your own weakness " Poland sighed as he tried fighting back. " You have to let them take you Poland, you have to find the center and destroy it. I know it's painful but trust me, it gets easier the more you go through it " You smile while Poland reluctantly let the hands grab him and pull him down from the top down to another layer of the dark abyss.

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