Ghosts // 🇩🇪Germany🇩🇪

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You were with Germany at his house, you both were good friends and you both didn't mind studying. This time you both went to his place to work since you offered him to come stay at your house to study, however he insisted going to his place just because he felt bad for always going to yours and never giving an exchange in return. You sat down on the chair and kept writing, the table was located in the middle

Of the two sides of the room which was the lounge and Kitchen, the center. A light hanging up from above, a hallway behind you and Germany, and picture frames hanging on the wall as well as other furniture on near by like plant pots, vases and a specific clock on a shelf/drawer near a room in the hallway. You coughed a little and continued writing, you were so in the zone of your work you didn't realize Germany was staring at you for

A couple seconds until you looked up at the same time as he looked down. You stopped writing and slightly looked at him, he looked worried and upset but trying to keep it in. He fiddled with his fingers, his hair all scruffy and uneven. You noticed he looked or felt like someone was behind him, but he tried hard to ignore it. You then asked " Germany? " You asked. He didn't seem to hear as you move closer and put your hand on his " Germany? Are you alright? " You asked

He took another second before he shook his head and looked sounded from side to side and up down and side-ways. He looked at you with a worried expression until he then replied " Oh?! Ja, I'm fine, sorry y/n " He smiled waving his hands. You hugged him and said " It's ok " You said as he tensed however managed to return the hug back to you, holding you tight, him exploring and touching your skin, and the smell of your hair

You noticed and blushed a little and pulled away " I want you, to " You were about to continue until he stood up and pulled you to stand up, he hugged you tight. Him being so tall you had to slightly tippy toe, you rested your hand on his neck as the other touched his shoulder. " I need you to, relax and accept with me right now " You said as Germany looked down at you and nodded " It will ease you, do you trust me? " You asked as Germany

Sighed then nodded, you took his hand and walked outside, it was grey, cloudy and a little bit windy. You walked near the large tree standing in front of Germany's house and sat next to it, you waved at Germany to come. Germany slowly did so and came towards you and sat down " What are we doing here?? " Germany asked very nervously. You giggled and smiled " Do not trouble Germany, it will be alright " You said calmly as he slightly smiled.

You sat down onto the grass, Germany hesitantly sitting down as well. You breathed in and held it in for a second before exhaling " Y/n? " Germany looked at you and leaned backwards. " Feel the moment, right now, the present's time in exact movement " You said as the wind came again and flowed through your hair and through his hair. " Look at the clouds and the trees, how they flow exactly at the same time as the grass " you said as he

Looked around. You move closer and slightly touch his chin and slightly moved his chin facing you " Germany, we are now surrounded by the present, the future is unknown and inevitable. But we all have an advantage in having enough knowledge to learn and understand the past, and to know to never repeat it, to prevent big, big mistakes. I definitely know, you've learnt what not to do. I'm so proud of you, don't worry " you said as Germany jumps on top of you hugging

You close " Thank you, I understand " Germany says as he stops hugging and gets off of you. You blushed and sat back up, Germany grabbed your hand and puts on his cheek and strokes the back of your hand while slightly rubbing his cheek against the inside of your palm. He then looks at you and smiled " Ich liebe dich " He whispered, " I love you too " You smiled as you kissed his forehead. Both of you head back inside the house and continued work for a little after then watching a movie, happily.

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