🩹⛈Another Fight🤕🤍

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You were siting down on the kitchen diner waiting for USSR to come back from the market as it has been more than 2 hours. He  had been living with you because his house burnt down and that you offered a stay at yours  since he didn't have another place to stay, and he has done a lot of things for you.

You stood up and grabbed your jacket and headed to the door, you opened it at the right time as you saw Soviet standing there. He looked away from you while wiping blood away from his nose. You gasp and pull him in gently into your house, you took off your jacket and set in on the coat rack. As you guided him

to sit in the sofa, you ran in the hallway wear the First aid kit was, stacked in the mini cupboard/shelf. You ran back as you clean his wounds and patch them, you heard Soviet trying not to cry but you heard loud sobs from him " I'm sorry y/n " He says as he looks deep in your eyes, already ignoring the fact tears dropped down fast down his cheeks.

You wipe away his tears " It's okay I'm glad you're safe, but listen Soviet, you can't keep doing this, please stop getting into fights. Some day you might not win, you come home looking bashed up, but worse of all you might not come back at all. It just hurts me at the fact that you keep getting hurt and coming back looking like you've been tortured, not just that but

It's also, that I keep seeing you weaken your inner self and ignore the fact that your emotions can get the better of you. Please all I'm asking is to not do this anymore, and to please talk to me " You say touching his arm.
He slowly hugs you apologizing more than 100

times. You hug back as he lays down on your lap crying, you wipe his tears as you said
" I deeply love you " You say as tears fallen down your cheeks. He got up and wipes them away your tears. You then said " Please, let's go to bed " You smile as he agrees. You both walk to the guest room as he lays down, you said goodnight. While walking

On your way out, you felt him grab your hand saying " I love you so much " You blush as you walk back towards him. " I'm sorry that I hurt you this way, I promise to talk to you more about my problems and be honest. I promise I'll be better " You giggle as you say

" You were always better than the day before everyday. The problem was you didn't think you did better or enough, you weren't proud of it "

You say as a tear roles down your cheek. He wipes it away and sighs, not knowing what to say

" I just hope someday, you can see yourself properly, when the times are when you're truly being the amazing person, you thought you could never be "

You say as you kissed his forehead. He says thank you as he said.

" I'm very happy you taught me, that being the best person doesn't always have to have the best history "

You smile brightly as you said goodnight and closed his door as you sighed in relief, being happy at the fact he now understands how much you love him and that loving him must include love himself. You walked back to your room and went to bed, as you drifted off to sleep peacefully.

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