7 Years old // 🇷🇺Russia🇷🇺

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Russia had just turned 7, he was your smol big boy. He was growing up so fast, the day you found him was on your door step, it was a rainy cold day, and you heard your door bell ring and you opened the door and looked down to see a small baby in a basket. He had a pink blanket over him, a tiny Ushanka on his head and there was a slightly wet note on his side of the basket. The baby didn't cry but looked worried, you read the note a it said

Please take good care of him, I can longer take care of him. I am going to war so please care for him when I'm gone, I'm so sorry to leave him here at this hour but I don't have any choice, I am departing to go off sea and survive my role but I can't abounded him, I love him so much that I have to let it go, even when I really didn't want to. The reason I gave him to you, is because I trust you, I know this sounds creepy
but I have been eyeing you for a couple

Months, and you seem like a really kind,gentle, and beautiful lady. I wish I had the self confidence to tell you this but, I can't, I wish I could've met you, you seem very nice. I hope you don't hate me for this, but I think I really like you. Please don't tell him Who his father is yet until he gets older, tell him ' I love you ' everyday from you, secretly also coming from me as well. Please Raise him to be a good boy, and to be kind, thank you so much.

If you really want to know who I am, I'm one of the class mates from your class in year 3 and 4, the quiet kid who had scar on the side of his neck, who couldn't really speak English, I kind of had a crush on you back then, but when you left I thought I might never see you again, I was really sad. And that when I saw you, I knew it was you, but I had to be sure. I never got your name, I'm so sorry, but I think I'll love you, thank you so much.

- Yr 3-4 Class mate 🤍

( Don't tell him he's adopted until he's 21 plz )

Back to reality, after since that day, you loved
Russia for as long as possible. You smiled to yourself while sitting on the benches, you heard footsteps running towards you, you looked up as Russia then asked "❓ " He put his hand up to his cheek and said again " Mommy, are you ok? What's the matter? " He asked. You giggled and said " oh nothing sweetie, I'm just so happy, you're 7 now!! " You smiled as Russia walked up to you and hugged you, you hugged back.

You kissed his cheek as he then asked " Mommy? " You smiled and asked " Yes Russ? " He puts his hands together and rocked back and fourth of his tippy toes and asked " Do I have a Daddy? " He asked you as you quickly thought of a way out and said " Oh Hey! Russ an ice cream truck would you like to get some ice cream? " You asked as he looked behind him and thought for a quick second " Ok! " He smiled as you took his hand

and walked up to the truck " Ok Rus what flavor would you like? " You asked as he jumped up and down " Uhh Vanilla please! " You smiled and asked " Can I have a Vanilla ice cream in a cone with sprinkles and a chocolate chip with a cherry on top? " you asked as the man in the truck said " Sure of course! " The man quickly served the ice cream to you as you gave it to Russia , you gave the man 3 dollars as he says " Thank you, have a nice day! "

He smiled as you both walk away smiling and waving goodbye " Thank you mommy! Thank you also for getting me extra! I love you " You smiled and bent down and kissed his cheek and said " You're welcome, let's go home " You smiled as the sunset came making then sky orange, yellow and red. You took Russia's other hand and walked all the way home, happily, you wondered if he'd ever come back if he was still alive. You knew you already loved him, just like you love little Russ. 

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