🇺🇸Body Swap!!🇷🇺

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You up on the couch and found yourself really tired. You stretched your back and saw Ame and Russ passed out on the other, you saw that you weren't wearing any pants and only had a singlet on. You blushed and pulled them down and heard Ame groan " y/? " He asked. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow

And asked seriously " What did we do yesterday? " He coughs then slowly replied with " Me and VodkaAss here convinced you to play cards with us, and whoever lost had to take a full glass of Vodka " He said then smiled " what place was I? " You asked curious " y-you were, l-last " He said raising his finger until Russia sneezed then said

" no y/n actually, he was last. But he was being a sore red butt stubborn capitalist " He said laughing, Ame was pissed and started to hit his back lightly, literally massaging him as Russia made vibrated noises. You got up and said " Guys the first aid kit is in the bathroom, I-I need to go to sleep again " You said as

You walked off to some bedroom, the others made a noise of the familiar " Mmphmm" Sound as you slept in a bed. Ame got up and said " R-Rus we gotta get aids " He said as Russia sat up and Said annoyed " No you dumbass, it's kittens! " He said as Ame started to giggle. They both got up and went to the bathroom, at the same time Russia

Was becoming more sober and aware, Russia tried to open the metal door handle as it shook but didn't open, Ame stood on the carpet and started to create friction and electricity by rubbing his feet at a fast past against the carpet, " What are you doing? " Russia asked " I'm warming up my slippers " He said as

Russia rolled his eyes and touched the door nob again, Ame felt waves flow by then touched Russ. There was a scream from outside as you heard the two men fall down to ground and groan, you sigh and got out of bed and investigated. You walk up to the to who were about to stand up until Ame said " Damn it! What the hell you greasy Cow "

Russia replied with " Its not my fault you stupid shity Drunk asshat " He yelled back as you were confused to why they were using insults that referred themselves, yet they shared it to the other. You coughed as they blinked and finally understood what was going on " RUSS WHAT IS GOING ON!!" Ame yelled

When Russ is speaking it's Ame. When Ame is speaking its Russ

As Russia screamed back " THIS IS YOUR FAULT AME!! " They said as they insulted themselves while yelling at each other. Well to your point of view " I think we switched bodies " Rus said as Ame mumbled " ya no shit " You laughed and asked jokingly " You guys are funny, I love your voice impressions of each other. Sounds

Exactly the same " You laughed as the others started to say stuff in defense, but you couldn't hear over your own laughing. You then interrupted and said " Well guys, it was fun. But next time, No... " You said sternly as the others looked at you " Anyway I'm gonna go home, byee " You said as you grabbed your

Pair of shorts that were on the ground and slipped them on, you walked out as the two men looked shocked. They didn't know what to next, they decided in the afternoon to barge in your house for help, without you knowing. After a couple of hours later Russ got up and said " Hey Rus I'm gonna to the shop, I'm hungry " Ame was suspicious but nodded " Ame, you planning something? "

He asked curious, " Oh Russ, Russ no of course not, buddy " He said as Ame in Russia's body walked out the door, leaving Russ in America's body. Russ ran down the hallway running down the street, while Ame looked down the window and saw him running " That little сука " He mumbled while swift walking

Out the door. After running for 20 minutes he finally made it to the end of the city to your house. He rung the doorbell, you heard the door bell ring, and walked towards it slowly. You looked through the hall to see, Russia, you opened the door slowly as Russia came in " Oh Russ, um,nice to see you " You said

As he walked through the door towards you. You backed up to a wall, you looked at him in fear as he smirked " You're so gorgeous " He said making you blush, you looked away shocked as he placed a hand on your hip, he stroked your cheek " Ah! Russ what's gotten into you!! " You asked worried.

He chuckled as he whispered in your ear " It's okay~ " He said as he was about to kiss your neck, until a large bang came through the door, it was Russia. He kicked the door open and it flew off it's place and smashed into pieces " America, you lying capitalist pig!! " Russ got off of you and glared at Ame, Russ then said " Well

Russ, sorry I lied " He said making Ame mad. Ame went close to you and shoved him away " Hey! What's going on " You asked as Ame grabbed Russ's ear pulling it down while Russ was squealing " ouch! Ouch! Russia ok! " He said as Ame let go of him, Russ breathed in and said explained as Ame stood there coldly.

You looked confused but understood what happened " Oh gosh guys, I'm so sorry for not believing you guys. I should have, none.. " You said sharply at the last part staring deep in Russia's eyes now knowing it was Ame. You groaned then helped them out, " ok guys stand here " You ordered as they stood on a blue carpet.

They looked at you waiting for the next order as you grabbed a metal spoon and placed it on the table, you looked back at them and said " Ok, rub your feet against the carpet and create friction " They started to do it as you said " Faster " You said sternly as they rubbed their feet even faster. " Ok touch each other or make

Some sort of contact that involves physical contact " You said as they looked at you while sweating. They looked at each other and touched each other's shoulders " ok Ame touch the spoon " You said as he guided his hand to touch the spoon, at the same time, you said at the exact moment he was about to touch it " Oh ya I forgot, it might hurt for 10 seconds " You said

as Ame touched the spoon. Ame and Russ screamed and fell on the floor, you helped them get back up and asked if it worked. Russ squeezed the air while looking at his palms as Ame ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and screamed in excitement.
Ame ran back and hugged you, you hugged back then pushed him away friendly " Hey, you

tried to violate me by using Russ's body, not good " You said as he frowned and turned to Russia who looked a little pissed " I'm sorry Russ " He said scratching his head " It's fine, but you owe me later " He said as Ame apologized to you, you smiled and let it go. They then both said " thank you " and were

about to leave " Hey! You can't both just leave me " You said while smiling, they looked confused " Let's watch a movie " Pleading then to say, they looked at each other then back at you. They smiled then nodded, after 20 minutes they sat on the couch eating food while watching a really bad comedy movie, together.

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