🇨🇳The way you Do🇨🇳

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* Short *

You were both walking down the street talking about business " are you sure this will work China? " You asked nervously. He walked closer to you and shrugged his shoulders while smiling with his calm eyes " well y/n if you want this to work you have to believe it will, if you don't the effect that you want to happen will become the exact opposite " he said. You were a bit confused but sort of understood what he meant. You both continued

To walk down the street in the busy city of Beijing. " Where are we going? " You asked " You forgot 蝴蝶? We are going to a cafe to get a quick coffee for take away, I'm getting you a drink. It's important that you're awake for this conversation " he said as you blushed, you never understood why he said that, you never knew what it meant. You blushed and said " aw thank you so much Chi " you said. He blushed at the nickname and said " of course " he said softly.

Minutes came by as you continued walking and you then you asked " Chi? Where are we going are we near the cafe yet? Is it really far " You asked with worried tone " Be patient y/n no need to worry we're gonna be there soon " He said grabbing your hand holding it on the way there. You both kept walking and after what seemed like a repeated forvee you both made it to a small little cafe.

You both entered however you let go of his hand and wrapped your arms around his arm and stayed close. Meaning how nervous you were, you looked around very nervous and the anxiety started kicking in, you closed your eyes until you felt his kiss your head and said " Hey, hey..蝴蝶. it's okay I'm right here and everything's okay " he said as you opened your eyes and loosened your grip off his

Arm. You looked around, everyone was minding their own business and everything loked cute and pretty, especially the tall man you clung to. You looked at him and blushed and kind of let go. He was a bit sad you let go but was too shy to make a move, you looked around as you then held his hand. He smiled at your touch and then talked to the server in his language, after a few moments he pulled your hand and walked to the side " w-what's happening? " you asked

Nervously. He chuckles lightly and said " don't worry 蝴蝶, I ordered a drink for you and it should be done making after a few minutes " he said happily " what?! Chi! You didn't have to do that for me! " you said while blushing. He patted your head and replied " Oh nonsense! Besides it's my favor " He said as he noticed the number on the light stand, he walked up and grabbed your drink and handed it to you. You were curious to what flavor it was and took a sip

,it was * insert favorite flavor of boba * " CHI! I love this flavor, h-how did you know this was my favorite, I've never tried boba but I've tried the flavor in another type of drink.. " you said in shock. " well.... I just happen to know you so well " he said while smirking then winked. You blushed and choked a boba ball and swallowed it, China was wide eyed and frantically said " Oh my y/n are you ok?! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!! " He said as he pulled you

Out of the store, you blush in embarrassment as you shook your hands saying it was ok, after a few minutes of trying to calm him down, you eventually just pulled his collar going in for a kiss , you did so however he was brighter than the red color on his face, his eyes open while he kissed you. You pulled away as he smiled in shock not moving " Thank you so much for everything china " you said softly as he falls over hitting the wall of the shop. You gasped and

Shook him ranting at him to answer you, he shook his head and then looked at you, with worried and concerned face, but showed comfort. " n-no problem 蝴蝶, but you didn't have to do that " He said then smiled. Your heart stopped as you backed away. " Did you not like it? " you asked with a bland tone, he noticed and realized what he said but didn't intend for it to be that way. Instead of saying something he pulled you in for a kiss again, you were shocked

However wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you closer by the waist, both deepening the kiss. You closed your eyes as he did the same, not caring if everyone stared. He pulled your hair to the side then caressed your cheek, after a few minutes you both pull away " would you like to go to a restaurant with me tonight y/n? " He asked softly " I would love to " you whispered as you both held each other's hand going home first to get ready for tonight.

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