Together Friendz // 🇵🇱Poland and Belarus🇧🇾

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They were good friends. " Hey Bela, wanna go bike ride? " Poland asked as she giggled " Sure! " She said as her and Poland went out the door. Their bikes were in the garage, Poland opened the garage door and headed inside with Belarus following. They both got their bikes and placed them at the front, Belarus and Poland closed the

Door and hopped on their bikes. They started to ride slowly down the street, looking at the grass hills, the trees the lake and the bright sunset. It was gorgeous, they kept going and eventually went sped from the raids and went on a dirt track. " Isn't this great?! " Poland asked loudly " Ya! " Belarus screamed back.

They both started to laugh and cheer while going through the trees, Belarus let go of the handles of the bike and touched the leaves " Wow! I didn't know you could do that " Poland says as he smiled. Belarus smiled than said " It took me a while to learn " She giggles. As she took her hands back down and

Grabbed the handles. They both peddled side by side together, they tried hard at times to not look at each other or the views too much or they'll crash and worse they might crash into each other. They went up a tiny hill and went right back down, what they didn't know was the hill down was long.

They screamed and laughed while going down, they then cycled to a flat grass area. They stopped riding and looked at the view " Would you like to sit here? " Belarus asked as he nodded excited. He grabbed her hand and headed towards the flat grass ground and sat down. They saw a few flowers and wheats

Sticking out, Poland looked at her as she noticed and looked back " Hey look at this " He said as she watched curiously. Poland grabbed one wheat and stuck it in his mouth, he raised an eyebrow. She giggled and blushed a little, he went closer making her quiet down a little.
She grabbed a few flowers and swiftly

Made a tiny flower. She placed it on his head and smiled, he blushed but laughed, he spits out the wheat and grabbed a flower and a long stand of grass, he quickly made a flower necklace and placed it around Belarus's neck. She smiled as a tear of joy fell from her eye down her cheek.

She laughed twice as he came closer and whipped it away " Aww Bela " He said hugging her. She sniffed and hugged him back making him a little nervous due to her soft and gentle touch, he didn't mind however never gotten a hug from her before. It was new, but he was glad he did that. After hugging she got up and said " look!! The lake, it's right next to the trees and the high hills " She pointed " Let's go "

Poland said as she laughed and started to run to the lake, Poland chased behind her as she accidentally fell, making Poland stop instantly and fall onto of her. " Omg Bela are you ok? " He asked as he got off of her as she sat back up straight " Ya I'm ok, are you ok? " She asked while giggling, he laughed and said yes as he looked at her knee. " Bela your knee " Poland

Panicked " Oh it's alright, it's only a scrape " She laughed. " Let's clean it " He said as he picked her up bridle style and set her down near the lake. She wore a skirt, and a light pink sweater and scarf, so pretty, " Can I touch? " He asked as she nodded while blushing. Poland roles up his pants and splashed the water on her knee, the water and blood mix poured down. He kept trying to clean it off, as the wound

Finally stopped bleeding as much, " I don't know how to cover it " He said as he started to panic. Belarus handed him her scarf as she smiled and said " Don't worry, I'm ok, you did everything you can Pol " She smiled as he gently took the scarf and carefully wrapped and tied it around her knee. She stood up as he did the same " Thank you so much Poland, your so kind " She said softly.

Poland looked away while blushing and scratching the back of his neck, Belarus connect her hand with his and started to walk back to the bikes. He followed letting her touch his hand as they walked up the hill and grabbed the bikes, Belarus looked back at the view and smiled. Poland noticed and asked " Belarus? " She shook her head and got on her

Bike as he did the same " Let's go home. To my place " She smiled as he sighed in relief. They looked at the view one last time before riding all the way down on the other issue back home. It was now an empty road with street lamps, she laughed and smiled bright every time an exciting part came. He did the same as they peddled all the way back to her house, they had a great time, being good friends and forever will be.

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