Left Behind ☭ //USSR//☭

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You ran and ran, trying hard to get away from Nazi territory as you were captured. You breathed harder and faster as you tried your best to not fall over, it was cold and the air was thin, you heard dogs and yelling in German chase behind you " Get back here you kleine Ratte!!!! " One of them yelled, but you didn't listen, you looked back to see 3 of them chasing you with 2 dogs. All of a sudden you tripped over and fell to the floor, you screamed after hitting the floor, you tried to get back up but it was too late.

You looked behind you to see one of them stand on your neck, you pleaded for help and gestured him to stop " You're coming with us, kleines Mädchen, and we'll see how they punish you~ " He grinned evilly. You closed your eyes then suddenly heard 3 gun shots, the step on your neck suddenly disappeared. You opened your eyes and saw that the man had a gun shot to the head, he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, the other 2 men had the same fate. The dogs ran away into the woods, you started

To calm down and hesitantly got back up to your feet as your eyes remained focused on the 3 corpses. You gulped as you wiped your tears, you took a few steps back when you heard a cough. You gasped and turned around to see a tall man slightly leaning against a tree, a calm cold expression on his face, you started to tremble as he held an AK-47. You couldn't and wouldn't move, his eyes moved up and down at your sight as you gathered up the courage to say something " Who are you? " You asked quietly. He didn't say a word, instead he looked away,

You were about to step backwards when he then said " no name of mine will be shared, what is yours? " His Russian accent sticking out " y/n " You said as you held your arms. You nodded, implying that you were thankful for his act but still deeply still scared, you turned around, but this made him angry. He immediately walked up to you and held your arm " You will not go that way " He said as you tried to pull away. " please let me go " you pleaded. " you want to die from the hands of those

Nazi's again?!?!? " He yelled as you looked up at him with teary eyes. He noticed your fear and shaking body and calmed down " Listen, you must come with me " He said as you looked at him with uncertainty and confusion " Please " he said sternly. You gulped but nodded and followed him through the snowy forest, it had been 30min of walking, the sun slowly setting, your dress was all dirty and you started to shiver more. The man payed no attention to you and continued to walk with ease, after a few more minutes the sun had finally gone, suddenly

The man had stopped walking, and now so did you, you held your arms as your breath was getting tighter " we camp now, we rest and wait till morning " He said and started to gather up wood, he placed
It around the ground and grabbed out a lighter and lit up the wood, making a small campfire. He then sat down under a tree, you sat down at a reasonable distance from him after watching and put your hands near the flames of the fire. You sighed and closed your eyes, then heard a cough, you opened

Your eyes and looked in your peripheral vision to see the man light a cigarette and take in a hit, he put his AK to the side and leaned against the tree, closing his eyes. You noticed his leg was wounded, you reached for your pocket and grabbed a bandage " Excuse me? " You whispered, he immediately replied " What " His eyes half closed, you moved closer however he didn't seem to like it " Stop what are you doing? " he asked angrily, immediately pointing his AK at you, you gasped " I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, I just wanted to treat your leg "

You pointed, you then offered him the bandage " I'm sorry " You said softly, he immediately snatched it off you but as he tied his leg he noticed you moving away, after he had done tying his leg, he looked at you sit alone facing away from him. You grabbed a stick from the ground and drew into the snowy floor, a heart. He immediately calmed down then asked " Are you cold? " He asked as if it weren't obvious. You nodded as he moved over, you tilted your head in confusion as he groaned in annoyance.

" Get over here " He commanded, you sighed and followed his instruction and sat next to him, he slowly took off his coat and set on you, you couldn't help but blush as you looked at him. " Thank you, thank you for everything " You said gently, he looks at you with a soft expression as if the words you had said touched his heart in a way someone else did. He immediately shook it off and said " My name is USSR " he said as he took another hit of cigarette. " Thank you so much USSR " you said as he nodded.

He then became much calmer with how he treated you. " Aren't you cold? " you asked looking up at his eyes " I grew up in the cold, we get used to it fast " He said looking into the forest, you then opened the coat around you, gesturing for him to come closer, he looked at you with confused judgement " oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your personal space, I just thought we could share it " You said and looked away. He coughed but moved closer to you, sitting next to you, your arms were touching,

His coat was now around both of you " It feels... Warmer " he said, he started to feel sleepy " you can sleep if you like, I'll keep watch " you whispered. He shook his head " That's not your duty y/n " he said. It had been a few minutes, you felt USSR lay his head on top of yours " USSR? " you asked. His eyes opened again as he took off his hat and placed it on you " be warm " he said softly. You started to feel tired, you accidentally laid your head on his shoulder but immediately sprung up " IM SORRY " you yelled, he immediately covered your mouth with his hand

" Relax подсолнечник " He said as he touched your cheek gently moves your head to lay on his shoulder again " is this ok? " you asked quietly. He nodded as you felt him snuggle his head against yours, he wrapped his arms around you, you felt safe enough and wrapped yours around his. You laid your head against his chest, he smiled slightly as he touched your thigh, he gently moved it so it was now on his waist, you gently touched his chest as you both snuggled " I sincerely hope this ok " you said gently

Finally drifting to sleep, he snuggled tighter and laughed " this feels warmer, I like it " He said held you close, making sure you felt his warmth, despite the campfire emitting such heat and warmth, a hug of someone felt warmer and nicer, this was something he'd prefer over the fire. It had been a couple hours as the sun came back he gently woke you up, it was time to walk again, he held your hand, holding his gun with the other hand making sure you and him were safe at all time throughout the walk, he hoped you and him find his base soon while day was in the sky.

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