Tense // 🇩🇪Germany🇩🇪

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" B-But Ger? I thought you said you were going to help me, I don't have a lot of time to- " You were about to continue until Germany Sternly said but quietly " Do not call me Ger, Address me as my full name, I do not care whether I said it or not, do this and by Wednesday it should be completed " Germany said as you looked down and said " Yes Sir Germany " You turned around and looked down

To the ground and sighed. You walked away to around the corner just as he was reading some news reports while holding a cup of hot coffee. He sighed looking tired, his formal clothing choice. The tight sleeveless brown colored sweater that gripped onto his chest and shoulder, and those black pants that stuck to his legs. But his gorgeous black luscious hair that was perfectly combed, but his face. So adorable, you were busy in your mind. Thinking about him and left

and went to your desk, you were busy working when you felt two hands on your shoulders, suprize suprize it was Ame. He rubbed your shoulders as you shivered and started whimpering " Ame, please stop I'm trying to work " you said as he spun your chair to make you look at him. Germany was walking near you and saw Ame talking to you and hid behind the corner peaking out and listened while watching  " I heard you got in trouble for asking for help " Ame said as you rolled away back

To place and ignored him, Ame went closer to you and grabbed your chin as he squished your cheeks, you whimpered and closed your eyes " Aww you're so adorable, too bad Ger is so harsh, he will break someone like you very very easily~ " He said as Germany walked behind him quietly  placed his hand on his shoulder. Ame let you go as you spun around to face your desk still with your eyes closed while rubbing your cheeks. Germany heard you sniffle as Ame

Turned his head slowly to see a dark ora surround the atmosphere and a red star shining across Germany's left eye as smoke America's lungs, Ame  swiftly walked away somewhere else as you heard a german accent behind you " Y/n? " he asked as you instantly turned around. Still with red puffy cheeks, your eyes looked like they were about to spill fresh salted tears, Germany went slightly closer to you at a reasonable distance and asked " Are you alright? " He asked as you wipe your face and

Smile then said " Yep I'm fine Sir.....Germany I'll get back to work " You said and spun your chair back facing the desk and continued. Germany stood straight and before leaving he patted your head fast and walked away, leaving you confused but didn't question it. Meanwhile while Germany was working he realized the strong scent he noticed and tried to smell and find where it was coming from until he noticed
it was coming from his hand.

Germany hesitantly sniffed his hand to smell Sweet melted caramel mixed with Vanilla and coconut, he exclaimed a small " Mmm~ " While smiling at the wall while his eye lids were half shut. For a few seconds he realized what he was doing and snapped out of it and continued work however, he couldn't stop. He realized he loved the smell, the scent, that matches your smile, your appearance, your voice and everything else about you.

After work and everyone had gone, you packed up your desk and was about to leave until Germany stopped you by standing in front of you behind you " Are you free tonight? " He asked and came closer, your waist hit the edge of the desk, he slams his hands against each side of you, one of his hands slightly touching your hand " Yes, I am! " You said as he did a small " Hm " And continued " Let's go the restaurant next to this building, I can help you with the work " He smiled and moved

backwards as you nodded. After that day you met him at the restaurant, he was all handsome, all kneat and today. He couldn't stop blushing and staring at how beautiful you looked at that night, either way what you were wearing or not. You both did and completed all the work and after that he took you all the way home in his car, during the ride it was a personal conversation. But after he opened the door for you and said goodbye, you gave him a small kids and left, when he went home he couldn't stop thinking about you and that kiss.

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