☭USSR: Scenarios☭

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Gender: Male

Personality: He's cold and sweet, but mostly shows his cold side because he feels that it would make him look vulnerable if he smiled too much.

What they love about you: He loves the way you smile at him and adores your laugh, and how everytime you ask his name, your eyes glistened across his view

Favorite part of you ( Thighs, b00bs or Ass ): He likes your thicky thighs

When they get jealous: Crossed arms, frowns at your view. Will try move you away from who ever is making him jealous. Once he saw one of his  guards flirting with you, after you smiled and left, he saw you were gone and walked up the soldier and punched him in the face and told him he was fired.

When they get protective: Will keep his hand either on your shoulder, hip or arm and will keep you close. Sweating and staying alert for as long as danger stays, when danger comes face to face with you and him. He forces you to stay behind him, when escaping he'll immediately pick you up bridal style and retreat, holding you tight and using his body as a shield. When attacking he'll look at you and give you a reassuring smile and patt your head, he turns you around so you don't have to look and after when he's done hell touch your shoulder, kiss you on the cheek and give you a piggyback home.

When they're mad: Will stop talking to you for as long until you apologize, will growl at your presence, hands on hip leaning forward a bit. Will drink and smoke, he'll stop once you and him are at peace. Will ignore you, when walking past you, comes a large shoulder bump. He will not say sorry, and tries to avoid eye contact.

When they're sad: Will drink and smoke once a day. Tired and sad eyes, obvious frown, sweats slightly, looks down, either stays close to you or distances himself from you. A little bit of panic mode, will stay in one place more. Doesn't talk much as he use to, dazes off and keeps quiet.

When you're sad: Will stop doing all work and tend to your side, your usually quiet when in emotional pain so that makes him more nervous and caring. Will never leave you alone, will pull you in close even if you don't say anything, kisses and hugs 24/7. Will actually become upset if you don't say what's the matter, worried and more stress. Will hold you in tight and dry you tears, in bed you'll hold him tight, he says sweet things into your ear and after he sees you smile and stop crying he'll tickled you.

When you're scared: He'll hold you close and kiss your head and play with your hair and whisper comforting things to you. He'll open his coat and let you sit inside as you held onto him for dear life. He'll rub your shoulder, arms and back and smile at you, he'll stop working and make sure your safe first.

When you're blushing: When you blush at his complement, kissing your hand and saying how beautiful you are. He notices and will do so even more, even if you tell him to stop, holds your hand up in the air as the other touched your waist. You hold his shoulder as hee moves his face closer to your neck and complements you more, the only thing you felt was his warm breath.

When they're blushing: He'll hold you back when you come closer by pushing your forehead away while his other hand was deep in his face, trying to hide his blush. You'll come later and when he's sitting down you'll massage his shoulders and whisper sweet complements into his ear, he'll gasp and move away. When you see him, both standing up straight, you'll jump and pull his collar and pull him down making him bend his back as you whispered something dirty and sweet to him. He can't take anymore and drags you into his bedroom and fu-

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