3 years after 7 // 🇷🇺Russia🇷🇺

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Part 2 from: 7 years old

You sat on the couch reading a book when all of a sudden you felt Russia jump onto your lap and laugh, you put you're book down and giggled while asking " What are you up to Russia? " You asked he shrugged and said " Mommy for my Birthday today, you promised to take me to the park again " He said as you immediately closed the book and placed it on the table " Of course Russ, let's go! " You said as you headed to the door and slipped on your shoes.

Russ smiled widely while saying " Yay!! " You gestured you're hand asking for his, he did so as you both went out the door. You both started to walk, it was in the middle of the day, at least at 10-11 Ish. You noticed the sky had a mixed color of Orange, Red, and blue. There was few people out however not so many, you saw the forest next to the sidewalk you were walking on and the plain grass making the forest look quite far away.

You both saw the park, only 5 people were at the park, a couple with a kid and a single paired couple. You then said to Russia who looked up at you " You know Russia, this park is very old, the playground was old and rusty before. I used this playground when I was your age " You said as Russ smiled " Well, I'm glad that I'm following mommy's footsteps, I think they're right " Russ said as you smiled and kissed his forehead.

" Go and play Russ, don't leave the park and stay near me ok? I'll be sitting where I usually sit " You said as Russia said " Yep! Don't worry mom " He said as he ran off to the playground, he then shouted " Mommy look! " He said as he slid down a slide, the slide was his favorite. You then sit down where you usually sit and said " Smooth slide! " You smiled as Russia smiled back and continued to play. You grabbed out newspaper from your bag

And started to read, the newspaper said " Soldiers coming home from duty! From the sky, the land, inside the deep waters and the surface of the seas! " You immediately thought of him again. Hoping he had come and survived, you were busy reading and didn't keep your attention on Russ. After 15 minutes of reading you had noticed Russ was no where to be scene, you immediately gout and shoved the newspaper in your bag and started to look
for him and yelled

" RUS? " RUSS?! " RUSSIA WHERE ARE YOU?! Come back please!!! " you panicked until you saw him standing facing forward towards a tall man. You immediately ran over to him, but before you got closer you saw who it was as Russia turned around " Momm!! Is this daddy? I think I recognize him! I have never seen before! " He said as you dropped your bag and placed your hand on your mouth.
The tall man, with scars, bandages, wearing a soldier's uniform " Who are you? What's

Your name?! " You asked as the man leaned forward a bit and said " My name's USSR, you can call me Soviet, I'm Russia's father and your name? " He asked in a thick Russian accent " Y/n, oh my gosh, were you the one who sent me that letter? " You asked as he nodded slowly. You didn't know how to react, were you scared of him because you didn't really know who he was, or were you excited, to see your husband, all the way back from grade 3 " it's you " You said as he smiled slightly.

" Hello y/n " He said as he blushed slightly, you he walked up to you as you slowly placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him gently lower, which he had to bend his back to reach your height, you stroke his cheek with your finger. He smiled and placed his hands on your wrists that were on his cheeks. You immediately kissed his lips, him instantly kissing back and held you by your waist tightly, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you up as you were

In the air, with one and he held your waist, with other he held your ass. You pulled him closer, you both heard Russia say " Eww, stop that, that's gross! " Soviet puts you down and said " Hey Russia we should go home " Russia thought for a second before shrugging " Ok " He said as he started to walk back home. You and Soviet walked all the way home as Russia opens the door to the house and hopped back in and said " Hey Mom! Dad! I'm gonna go play in the backyard "

He said as he went off, you and Soviet stood there at the front of the door and blushed hard. You both entered the house and sat on the couch as Russia played on the swings and blew bubbles. You looked at Soviet as a few tears fell dow your face, Soviet quickly noticed and gasped, he moved closer and wiped the tear away with his rough hand. " Oh Soviet, it's been quite awhile " You said as he nodded. " I missed you " You said as he then asked
" Why did you miss me? " He asked coldly

" Because I was so worried 8 years ago when you said you were leaving to serve your role, I was afraid you were never going to come back, I was so very for Russ as well " You said as Soviet asked " How is Russia? " He asked " He's doing completely fine as happy, but lately he really wanted to meet you, at school he saw his friends have dads and then wondered where his dad was " You said as Soviet just exclaimed a quiet " Oh " You then asked.

" дорогой, are you feeling ok, you have many scars let me take care of them, you're still in your uniform, would you like any food or anything? " You asked as Soviet stood up and puts his helmet off and grabs his bag and hides them in a random closet near by, he comes back and sits down next to you, closer, closer and closer. He leaned closer as he kissed you again " i missed you and Russ too " He smiled and pulled away. You jump on top of him and held him tight " I think I'm going to love you "

You said as Soviet smiled and returned the favor and held you close " I love you too " After that cuddle, you helped Soviet clean his wounds and helped him get dressed into something else, he really looked like a new father. He picked you up and spun you around, you kissed his cheek and laughed, Soviet blushed at the sound of your voice and attacked your beck with kisses, you giggled as Russia comes in. You both stop then look at

Russia " Let's go out for a picnic " You said as Russia smiled and said yay, you all got ready and headed out the door " I'm so glad you're back " You blushed as Soviet gives you another kiss while walking " I'm so glad I have a family to come back to " After you both had a picnic for the rest of the day, it was fun and beautiful, especially when the moments were spent with each other.

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