I hate you with a passion~ //🇷🇸SerbCroa🇭🇷 //

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Bite my tongue, bide my time
Wearing a warning sign

" well well well" Serbia said as Croatia turned away holding a sword " Are you that angry? " Serbia asked with a deep tone. Croatia held the sword and pointed it at Serbia who secretly had a sword behind him. They were looking at eachother deep into the eyes, both of them wearing their traditional clothing. " be careful what you say " Croatia said as he moved closer " Because the words you chose to share, could be a way to start a war " He said as he turned around and

Wait 'til the world is mine
Visions I vandalize

Walked away already knowing Serbia would strike. " Well, if you're not gonna face me like a true country. I might as well strike, are you seriously going to cower with fear instead of winning for your country?! " Serbia yelled. Croatia stopped walking and smiled, still not looking at him " Well, I would not like representing my country as. A country who constantly starts wars " He said hearing Serbia growl " Easy there, I see you have a short temper " Croatia said as he turned around and grinned

Cold in my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes

Serbia held the sword behind him tightly and gripped it with sweat. He turned his facial expression to anger and said " Fight me- " Before he could Croatia said " I know you were preparing for this moment, You don't threaten me with this pathetic reaction from your ego being insulted by my statement or truth, your humiliation is covered by your outer appeal and lack of emotion on your face. Typical " Croatia said then hummed as Serbia lost it.

You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town

Serbia lunged at him and swung his sword at Croatia who back away just in time.

Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one

Croatia grinned and said " Tsk " and swung his sword back at Serbia at a hard force.

One by one by
You should see me in a crown

Serbia had blocked the attack by doing a ' Parry ' sword technique, by putting his sword in front of him.

Your silence is my favorite sound
Watch me make 'em bow

Serbia felt him self go down to the floor on one knee, with other that had curved and bent making a proposal gesture.

One by one by one
One by one by one

Serbia grunted and found the strength to push back, he did so by jumping up by using his feet on the stiff ground and lunged at Croatia

Count my cards, watch them fall
Blood on a marble wall

Croatia gasped and back away from and stood still while Serbia ran towards him. Croatia smiled and ducked under him and swayed his sword across the belly as blood splattered on the floor. A few drops hitting Croatia's hand and cheeks, as Serbia made a loud groan in pain and dropped his sword while kneeling down, holding his belly.

I like the way they all
Tell me which one is worse
Living or dying first

A few tears had fallen down Serbia's cheeks due to the sharp pain, blood soaking and pouring down his lower half as Croatia giggled and walked up to him and pointed his sword at him, lifting his chin up " Tired, boy? " He asked as drops of blood fell down Serbia's mouth.

Sleeping inside a hearse
I don't dream
You say
Come over baby
I think you're pretty

I'm okay
I'm not your baby
If you think I'm pretty

Serbia looked at Croatia with tiredness and defeat " I knew you couldn't do it, how are you already tired. That was surprisingly quick " Croatia said in a happy and joyful tone, Serbia didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to do, even though he was still filled with rage and energy. He then saw his sword behind Croatia next to him on the left side. Serbia now grinned,

You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town

He ran over to it and grabbed the sword and immediately came at Croatia at a high speed, all while Croatia stared and looked at him coming towards him while smiling.

Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one

Croatia laughed loudly as he ducked down as Serbia swung at him, after he went left and right jumped up and down, Croatia even then did a couple ballet twirls all while Serbia tried to hit him, or even try make the slightest cut on him. He failed and kept missing, his eyes becoming blurry

One by one by
You should see me in a crown

Serbia rubbed his head while Croatia said nothing and walked away but then stopped mid track and turned back at Serbia who stood there, leaning forward while holding his belly, there was blood all over the floor. Croatia looked up and down him slowly and carefully,

Your silence is my favorite sound
Watch me make 'em bow

" Now now Serb, this wouldn't have happened if you simply just let me leave. I never really wanted to stay with you, after all I didn't want to be told what to do by you. Thought I deared and cared for you " Croatia walked towards Serbia, his foorsteps that were loud.

One by one by one
One by one by one

Croatia pulled him by the collar as Croatia yelled " YOU!!!!!! You had- *sigh* Oh. Oh oh. Look what you've done, my my my " Croatia smiled at him, while Serbia looked in his eyes
All he was rage, determination, and waves of desperate closure. Croatia let go of him as he fell back and hits the ground while Croatia held the sword up to his chest and looked at him coldly.


" We loved eachother so much and for  a short time this week. To the point I assume you had fallen in love with me when the only thing I was seeking was your vulnerabilities "

I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow

Serbia had had enough and said " Yes, you really are one of a kind " He said the smiled.

One by one by one
One by one by

Croatia dropped looked deep in his eyes as he then looked at the reflection of himself that reflected in his sword seeing it turn into bright white.

You should see me in a crown (you should see me, see me)

Serbia looked at him again and said " before you do, it was nice Cro " Serbia said his face still cold.

Your silence is my favorite sound (you should see me, see me)

Croatia nodded and placed the sword up high at a angle as Serbia looked away while a tear fell down his eye as he closed his eyes tight.

Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one

Croatia had slit his chest as Serbia gasped as Croatia stabbed his throat as Serbia fell abcwjards and made a pool full of his his own blood. Croatia smiled and started to walk away, a cigarette in his mouth as he smiled and said one last time

One by one by

"   .....  It
....... ....    . .. . ...      
                             was .........
    . . .. . ....  nice
         ...  .      ..    .   knowing
. .. . .    ......        .. .. .. . . .        ..... you "



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