realization // 🇩🇪Germany🇩🇪 //

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(Old) He smacked you across the face. You fell to the floor and started to cry when he grabbed you by your arm and dragged you to the shared bedroom, you screamed and kicked but it was no use, he was too strong and he could easily hurt you
He threw you on the ground as you grunted while holding your hip " again.........Why. Were. You. Home. Late? " He asked strictly as you looked away now holding your swollen red cheek " I was with America, finishing work- " you couldn't say anything

When he grabbed you by your collar and held you up in the air " Lies..... " He said deeply as he started to choke you, you felt your head become tighter, blood rushing through your skull and flowed around as you started to become blue, you had a headache and felt dizzy, you could no longer see anything besides static electricity. Germany let go and once again you fell on the floor, " Fine.. Clean yourself up, I'll be joining you in bed soon, don't try cut yourself again or I'll give you the cuts myself.

" he said as he slammed the door and locked it. You got up and started to clean yourself up, there was 2 cupboards, a shelf full of books, two night stands, a desk with other shelves up above and a picture of you and Germany, and a bathroom right across the room. You changed into a silky flower patterned night gown and brushed your hair and teeth and headed to bed, you slept on the window side as the moon shined bright and layed it's soft light ontop of you. You curled into a ball and slept.

After minutes or a few hours had gone by it was still night and Germany quietly unlocked and opened the door to see you fast asleep, he smirk to himself as he closed the door and locked it again. He changed clothes, he wore a shirt black shirt witg grey striped pants, he hopped into bed and looked over at you. He saw the many bruises and scratch marks he had given you and smiled, he kissed your lips and stroked your hair before turning the other way and falling asleep.

After when you woke up and the night had passed you saw Germany was gone and probably went downstairs into his office, you sighed and stayed in your night gown and went downstairs to cook him breakfast, it took only a few minutes and you were done. It was Germany's favorite, you went to go see him when you realized the door was open and there was no one inside his office, you hesitantly stepped in and looked around and placed his meal on his desk and looked around more. You saw picture of him, his brother and his father in a picture smiling.

You gasped when you saw his father, and that's when you heard a cough behind you, you stood there in fear and turned around " What, the fuck, are you. Doing in my room?!?!?!? " He yelled as tears fell down your eyes " G-Germany, I came to give you your breakfast and I thought you were in here, I'm so sorry- " He punched you in the gut as you fell to your knees " I told you yesterday to never, ever under any circumstances to go in my office. And I see you have disobeyed.... I think you need to be- " He was now talking calmer and looked at you

With a calm smile, lust and blush, " Punished~ " He said as you he smiled widely showing his teeth, you gasped and got up and tried to run past him when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in close. Tears fell down your eyes as he grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist, your noses both touching as he grips your arm tighter. He picks you up bridal style, and starts walking slowly upstairs as he drops you on the bed then closes and locks the door. You panicked and felt your heart race,

You saw him unbutton his shirt and unbuckles his belt then unzips fly. You couldn't help but blush and gulp as you felt your downstairs leak, a lot as Germany gets on top of you and snakes his fingers to stroke under your night gown " My my~ y/n I can't believe how wet you are already " he said as you blushed but knew he'd pound you without any mercy, any minute. Just as he pulled his fingers away and licked them, you turned to your side when he all of a sudden, tears your night gown into 2 halves

And shoved his massive dick inside your dripping pussy, you did a small scream that told him you were in pain and that he should wait. But he disobeyed, he shoved in and out of your small hole as you started crying, not moaning, crying and screaming. You gripped the bed sheets and closed your eyes, it felt like a cold hard bat beating up your insides and tearing apart your cavern. You gasped for more air as you felt him go faster, he wrapped his tie around your neck and pulled your neck up as you saliva and

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