Scared Arms // 🇷🇺Russia 🇷🇺//

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He was mean, vicious, reckless, and the worst always angry. But deep down you knew that was all he could express from how much he's been through, he didn't like showing weakness or any other emotion, you were the closest person he had and will probably ever have. He wasn't very open, but when it comes to you he's a lot better and happier, you were standing outside in Russia's porch taking a breather as Russia rolled up his sleeves and took another

Breath from the cigarette, he inhaled then exhaled. You suddenly smelt a revolting stench of bitter, sour and burning sort of gas, you knew what it was and saw Russia stand there, smoking, Blood and bandages all over his arms. He wore black pants, a brown turtle neck sweater and his usual Ushanka, he looked a bit annoyed or seemed like he was hiding pain " What's gotten into you? " He asked roughly as you gasped,

You swiftly walked over to him and grabbed the cigarette out of his fingers, and squashed it between your ring finger and thumb and puts it in the cigarette tray that was laying on the table. He looked really pissed and growled while walking towards you " действительно?! " He asked as you gulped. He grabs you by your collar slightly raising you up in the air, you tried to breathe silently and fought with your tears, not wanting them to fall. Russia noticed and seemed you failed at that, you then saw his arms "

Russia, your arms.... " You said softly becoming calmer as you touched the arm that was holding your collar, gently. He grunted at the touch and drops you as you land on your feet, he turned away as you asked " Russ? " And touched his shoulder, he turned around swiftly with a blade from his pocket and strikes at you, instead of it cutting your face you put your arms in front of you. You felt the blade go through one of your arms as you gasped in pain, you retrieved your arms back and saw that he made a slight

Slit or line cut near your shoulder, you held your wound as blood poured out as you cried, tears falling down fast from the pain you closed your eyes and cried and made sounds of pain. You walked back hitting the wooden pole, Russia finally realized what he had done and drops the blade " Y/n!! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean that! That was an instant reaction!! I'm so sorry!!! " He yelled as tears fell down his eyes watching you in pain. You calmed down and looked at him as stood there helplessly, you stopped

And looked at him angerily as you grabbed the blade that fell on the floor and dug the blade into the edge of the line cut and continued it, making it longer it went halfway up as Russia grabbed the blade from you and yelled " STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! " He yelled as you held your arm " See Russ, how b-bad scars can not only be f-for yourself but can have a m-majure impact to those who care for you " you stuttered in pain as you closed your eyes and sighed. Russia picked you up bridal style and

Sets you on his couch and grabs the first aid kit and a soft wet cloth. Tears fell down your eyes as he tried hard to stop the bleeding and to patch you up which only took about 10 minutes, he puts everything away and yells at you " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!?! HAVE YOU HAD ANY IDEA OF WHAT COULD OF HAPPENED IF- " You yelled back " YOU KEEP HURTING YOURSELF!! " Russia gasped as you cried harder and wiped away your tears.  " Russ, if you care for me so much.....

How could you possibly not see the pain I am getting from seeing you harm yourself? " You asked genuinely as he hugged you tight close in his arms " I'm so sorry " He whispered and held you tight " You have to stop. If it hurts that much to see me bleed from my arm, imagine how I feel everyday when I don't know what you're doing to yourself "You said as he sighed. " I promise, I'll stop, it's hard " He said as he looked down and pulled away. Holding your hands
" Then let me help you " you smiled as he smiled back. He kisses your cheek

as you smiled and jumped on him and gave him kisses and hugs as he laughed and smiled. Holding you tight, he kissed you every where and you did the same, you giggled and laughed when he kissed you all over your face. He held you by your waist and back sits up and puts you in his lap, your wrap your arms around his neck and digging your face into his chest " I love you " You said. As he took a second from what you said. He shook his head and said " I love you to " He said as. For the rest of the day, you both cuddles and drank tea.

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