💝🍪Cleaning Man Lady🌥🧹

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" Russia you promised to help me clean my house, you lost the bet and I win. Come tomorrow or else " You yell as he looked down at the small child while deeply saying " or what " He asked bending his back. You were a little frustrated and looked to the ground and started to tear a little bit, not at the fact he

You were not going to do nothing to try intimidate him, because that wasn't going to works. It was at the fact he lied and didn't keep his promise and that you really needed help. He noticed as squat down to your height while touching your cheek " Ok fine, i help you " He said whiling you're tear, then getting back up.

You smiled and said " спасибо Russia " You said then smiling cute like a little girl. He ' Humphed ' and walked away. " bye Russia see you tomorrow " Even though you were just as his age, and was an adult, you still had the personality and appearance of a child which Russia secretly found adorable.

You walked back home at went to your room, you saw outside your window, it was sundown, you could see the sunset from the high hills, it was beautiful. You are food and decided to at least clean the kitchen, after an hour you were done. You went into your room and started to clean up you room, it took a long time, and

After you were done it was 9:30. It was time going to bed, you hopped in bed still with your clothes in and drifted to sleep. In the morning you were interrupted by hearing your door bell, you groaned and saw the time, it was at least 8:35. You got up and quickly brushed your hair and threw you hair brush on the bed and

Ran to the front door to see through the peep whole it was Russia. " gosh darn it, I didn't mean early in the morning-" you yelled In the middle of opening the door harshly. You stopped dead in your tracks and looked up to see Russia, wearing a pink apron and holding a pink feather duster, he wore pink fish gloves as

Well. It was funny however you were still trying to process what he was wearing. " Here little person " He said then stuffing a cookie into your mouth, you started to choke on it but managed to eat and swallow it down " Russia!! " You yelled as he then walked in your house.
He looked at you coldly but nothing managed

To escape your mouth. You then sigh and closed the door " let's get started " He said as he went into one of the rooms. ' there was my bedroom, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a spare room, a dining room, the backyard, and the the shed ' You thought, as you saw him peep his head from a room while saying

" your kitchen, bedroom are fine we just have to clean everything else, which will take a while, now stop standing there doing nothing, you've been already doing that for 5 minutes " He mumbled at his last words as you shakes your head and grabbed the cleaning supplies and handed them to Russia.

He started to clean the living room, you started to clean the spare bathroom. After an hour you were moving onto the dining room, as he starts to clean the spare room, after both you of you were done, you both went outside to clean the backyard. " jeez " He said as you frowned in embarrassment.

He started to clean the shed as you neatened up the garden, after 3 more hours of painful work. You were both done, done from 7 hours of cleaning your hell hole, " why did I do this bet " He whispered to himself. He saw you weren't there anymore, the shed was all clean and the backyard was pretty, neat and looked organized. " y/n? " He asked

You come back out with two lemonade drinks in hand. You walk down the wooden steps and handed him a drink, he hesitantly took it and started to drink, you walked back up and sat on the wooden seats on the porch. He sat next to you still holding his drink " thank you for everything Russia, this was probably the most

Unfair bet, but it really means something to me, thank you " You said blushing. He Bali he's and looked away, " да, no big problem " He said as his thick Russian accent stood out. That statement was in fact not true what so ever, he touched your waist and glided you closer to him. You leaned your head on

his arm, and placed your small arms around his back and chest, he picks you up and hugs you from the side, still not looking at you " you're like a big teddy bear, so tough looking however, so kind and gentle inside " You said with a tone of tranquility in your voice. He looks at you and then smiled for the first time, it

Was a cloudy day, and the sun was not in view that much. He took off his apron and pink gloves, and grabbed the pink feather duster set them down on the table. You smiled as he smiled back, you blushed at his smile but realizing how soft it was, you both stayed there for a few more minutes, just relaxing, while looking at he garden.


It fireee 🔥

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