🇫🇮 Leave me in the Ocean of Stars🇫🇮

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* Short *

You screamed his name in pure desperation....

" FINLAAAAAND!!! " You screamed and almost started crying. You tried to run towards him but it ended up with you being way too far away to reach him.  All around you was pure darkness and nothing of nothingness and the closer you thought you were as you ran it seemed like you were getting even further away.  " There seems to be nothing left of this world.... " He said as he looked all

around him in calmly. However there was a sudden wind that came through which ended up moving him, you saw him sheld his face with his arms making a cross. For some reason it hit you harder because you fell backwards and fell to the floor on your knees trying to cling to the floor of the darkness. The wind ended up blowing his Karvalakki off his head, and flew to where you were.

You held it making sure it didn't leave your grip. You looked up and saw how the wind became calmer, you stood to your feet as Finland kept walking foward. You ran after him however you saw a purple ball in the air, something that was right in the front of him, Finland stopped and looked at it curiously " Finland! " You yelled as the ball started to form into

something. It seemed it was swerving around him, it looked very liquid like, almost like the ocean but purple. Finland looked around as it was swarming around him, making him see just purple however you both noticed how it was very glittery and or had a lot of sparkles. Stars, Finland started to form tears as they fell down his cheek, first on the right cheek then to the left.  " I'm sorry I couldn't be more than what I could've been "

He said miserably. You noticed this time you could actually hear him and he wasn't too far, you noticed how pretty and cute he looked without his fur cap on. You put his Karvalakki on your head and began to walk towards him again " I don't want anything else,  I'll wait forever to never feel it again " he said as he puts his hand around the air feeling the purple stared ocean on
His hand, it didn't make him feel wet

it was just going over him and through his fingers like fluff. You walked up right next to him as he was facing his side " Fin? " You asked softly as all he did was wave around the purple waters. You reached your hand out and touched the purple waters and all of a sudden he saw you. " Y/n?! " He asked in shock " Finland! It's me y/n! " you said and then lightly smiled " h-how are you here? " He asked softly obviously very confused.

" I'm not too sure, maybe this is a dream but what's going on, please is there something you're not telling me? Are you upset? " You asked obviously very worries. That's when he stepped back a little " probably,I'm very sure. Why do you care again? " As you frowned and said " Finland of course I do, we're such close friends. You're part of the reason I still smile " you said as he turned to you. You tried to get closer " Fin please allow me

To enter " you asked softly hoping he would. " Just let me be here, let the purple  starred ocean surround me in isolation " he said a bit sad but with a certain tone. " no.. Fin I don't think you should be alone right now " you teared. He suddenly said" I won't let what happened to me happen ever, Again!!! " He yelled as the ocean blast at you as you flew backwards

And onto the ground. " Y/N I'm so sorry! please don't get near me, I'm so bad for everything " he said as you got up and walked up to him again. You sighed and thought of nothing but calmness and peace you put your head and arms inside his atmosphere. You reached in and touched his shoulder, he looks at you with

wonderous eyes as he asked " why do you want to help me so much?! Haven't I done much to you already?!! " He yelled. You pulled his arm closer to you as he looked at you with loving scares eyes " I'm so sorry she did that to you.... But... please, do I not help you feel lighter, I don't count to what matters to you? " You said as a few years fell down your cheeks " I will no longer be here if you do not desire me to be " you said as you were

About to pull away, very upset that he would push you away because of someone else. He suddenly pulled your shoulder and arm back to where you had positioned but he didn't pull you closer. " No no.... Y/n I'm so sorry. Please I want you to stay, don't leave, I just didn't want you to if I accidentally hurt you. I wouldn't forgive myself if I ever did " he said and that's when you

pulled him by his collar and kissed him for a few seconds before pulling away. He was shocked and kept wanting more of it, he pulled you all the way in and that's when you hugged him and he hugged you. He immediately kissed you again which you didn't expect. He lightly pulled  your hair as you whimpered, you touched his chest as you both rocked back and fourth on each other. It was amazing, you and him never felt so close, You hold him by his

shoulders and pulled away " Fin, darling... let's go. Please, let me show you the warmth to your ocean, the calm waves and beauty of a view. Let me be your sun, lighting up the beauty " You said softly not smiling. He looked away and said to you, " Ok, but please " You finished his sentence " Of course Fin, I know please don't worry " You said as you got up and pulled his arm. You started to walk out of your dream and finally awaken, Happily.

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