You // USSR ☭

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It was different, everything was different. You sat down on the chair in USSR's office, he was a dear friend to you and that he would never get angry with you, in fact he was always quiet cautious of you, making her sure he looked and acted perfect around you. It was always cute, there was only one time and that was when you

First met, he was a cold serious tall man, intimidating, but he when he spent more time with you, he seemed like a whole new person. After waiting for a couple of minutes, you heard the door behind you open, there was the red tall man in the doorway. He closed the door and walked passed you and sat in his chair " y/n " He said softly " Yes? " You asked

As he then explains " I'm very sorry to drag you out from your home and come to my place without any explanation " He said as you nervously replied with " it's ok " You looked away. He slams his fists on the desk quietly as he stands up a little and asked " Did my security escorts assault or harm you on the way

Here? " He asked a little harshly. You back away a little " No they didn't! " You say with a hint of a loud tone in your voice. He turns his eyes to the side of the room without moving his head, he sits down slowly and smiled " I'm so sorry, let's do something fun, I miss you" He said making you blush. You smiled a little and said " Sure! I miss you too "

He then asked quietly " Are you scared? " He said while frowning " No" you said while smiling. He tilted his head while looking away, his emotion was, relaxed. You got up and walked up to him, you place your hand on the side of his cheek and lifted it a little. He turns his view towards you, his eyes calm and still, he the have you a confused look.

You stroke his cheek and giggled, he smiled and touched the back side of your hand that was on his cheek. You blushed a little but found it comforting, he gets up as his height bounds over you, you smiled while slightly looking up ' He looks cute when he sits down ' You said in your mind as he takes your hand and stands up then walks with you out the door .

You held is hand close as he then asked " What would you like to do? " He asked as you thought for a second before saying " Can we go feed the ducks?? " You asked as he nodded. He grabbed a few slices of bread from a room inside the building and headed out towards the door as you waited near the door frame. He smiles at you and holds the bread in the other hand, you smiled back and both

Started to walk to the tiny lake where ducks would usually hang around. You sat next to the edge of the water as it swayed slightly from the wind, Soviet hands you a piece of bread as you calmly take it. The duck comes swimming toward you as you broke off a bit of the bread and placed it on the center of your palm. The duck was hesitant but then sniffed the bread and then ate the bread.

" Only one duck today " Soviet said as he kneeled down next to you " Ya, it must be pretty lonely " You said softly as you smiled and petted the duck who ate the rest of the bread that was on the grass near your foot. " But when you're alone, you've got so much time to see your surrounds and have no limit to exploring, your free to be yourself. But at the same time you want someone

To see your happiness, so you can see their's and that you both can feel the moments that were spent with each other " you said in a relaxing tone. He looked at you and smiled and sat closer, the duck swam away, you hear a flying sound that was feathered like. You both saw another duck come by out of nowhere, the mysterious duck swam up to the other and smiled and cuddled his head against

The other birds neck. They were happy, you accidentally leaned your head against the side of his arm. You immediately pull away and apologized, he smiled and picked your up and made you sit on his lap. He rests his chin on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your waist, it was warm and comfy. You smiled at yourself and kissed his cheek, he laughed and then kissed yours in return.

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