Sick! Father x Canada // 🇬🇧Britain🇬🇧 //

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It had been a hard time for Britain to keep living, since recently he had lost his own son and that he had divorced with his wife France. They once were a family, containing father Britain, Mother France, and 4 boys. Australia who was 15, NZealand who was 14, Canada who was 15 and America who was 15. But once Australia and New Zealand had went off with their mother France, Britain, Canada and America was what was left. They had a divorce because their marriage

Was not working, it had not been working for the past 18 years. But they stayed together anyway, when France and Aus and NZ left, they did not visit he otherside of the ex family. Even though they still deared eachother, they didn't in a way that was a family, rather than an old time friend. Ame had cancer a few months after the otherside of the family had left, and without any notice had died. It hurt Britain deeply, scaring him, though

the other ex family members attended the funeral they soon left forever never coming back. Aus and NZ had planned to visit, but when they grew up which was 18-25 years old, and as their mother, not until each other's children had fully grown up to 30-45 years old she would visit. But right now, they were all in their young teenager years, which made it worse. Canada loved his brother very much and it had hurt him badly inside when he had passed. He remembered

Him laying on the floor next to the bed, his arms on the top, bent knees. A pale face with purple saggy eyes, a few dry tears that had fallen down his face, but he did not frown. Instead Ame had slightly smiled, Canada assumed he was in deep pain, but did not want to tell his father or his brother. Instead he was relieved that he was free from it, but Britain. It tour him to shreds knowing that his son who was in deep pain did not trust his father enough to tell him that he was slowly dying.

Canada was more scared of his father now since he was not mentally stable, Britain would drink and drink to keep the pain away. He would never get violent with his only son but instead he tore up his room and screamed and swore. All while Canada suffered, however Canada had planned to run away because it had gotten so bad to the point he'd want to leave, but when Britain realized Canada had been quiet the whole day, assuming it was because of his actions. He went to go check up and apologize to Canada, only

Opening his door and to see him almost jumping out of his window. Britain garbbed his collar and threw his bag to the side and yelled, where he was going in the middle of the night. Canada had explained and pleaded saying he no longer felt safe with his father, he wanted to start a new life, being free and happy. He was honest to his father how he hurt him, inside out, he feared his own father. Britain let go of him and

Cried into Canada's legs and begged him to stay, and promised he'd be better and that he loves his son very much. Canada went down and hugged his sad father and said he was not leaving, this made Britain very happy and calm knowing that his son trusted him enough to change his mind. In the morning Britain had made delicious breakfast for him and became a better and healthier person. It had been 3 months after that, Canada fully trusting his father.

While Canada was at school, Britain stayed home to clean the house and to wait for his son. While Britain was washing the dishes, it was a long boring day so he decided to go outside, the air was thick and was easier to breathe. It had been a while now so he assumed Canada was coming home in a few minutes, Britain heard the door open and decided to go back inside. He saw
Nada put his bag down and looked down to the ground, holding his arm "

Nada, what's the matter? " Britain asked and kneeled down in front of him " Dad, I know this sounds crazy but I just want to make sure.....You won't forget me right? " not to cry as he rubbed his head. Britain gasped and stared at his son for a couple of seconds, seeing how hard he's trying not to cry. Britain hugged him tight, Nada tried to pull away but

Britain only hugged tighter. " Oh my
dear little boy. How could you possibly think that way, I love you so much, no matter what, no matter how far apart we are or the fights we have. I'll always dear you every day" he said as a few tears fell down Nada's face. Britain pulled away and wiped away his tears as Nada looked at him and smiled. Britain messed up his hair and tackled him with kisses, whilst Nada laughed. Britain kissed his shoulders, cheeks, forehead, neck. Nada felt his heart warm back up, and felt the trust and love for his father again.

" let's go out for ice cream? " Britain asked as he bent down on his knees, the same level as his son. Canada smiled widely and ran up to his father and hugged him tight " Yay!!!! " Britain laughed and immediately hugged him and stood up and spun him around. As much as he was happy that his son had given him another chance, he could never forgive himself for how he treated his son. At times he cried alone on the couch, thinking not only he lost one of his sons but he in a way failed his surviving son, even though he had redeemed himself, however Canada was always there to remind him how much he loves him, and how happy that his father changed.

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