💌Love Cards~💌 (part 4)

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You stand there leaning on wall near the little shop

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You stand there leaning on wall near the little shop. As you texted New Zealand who was Ame 's younger brother, you were in the end of your text conversation with him as you heard someone running up to you as he placed his arm over your head as his other hand was in his pocket. He leaned close to your face, you put your phone in your jacket as you looked
At the person. It was Ame as usual, you sighed and smiled while looking at Ame, Ame
whispered in his " Hey y/n~ " You blushed but

shook it off as you played along. " aww Ame~ " You say as you stroke his cheek gently. He was flustered as he giggled and reached out of his pocket, he hands you a card. As you smile while blushing, you read it, you cringe inside but laughed anyway because it was funny.He asks " What " You kiss his cheek slow. As he blushed and stood up straight. You pull out your phone
as he asks " Watcha you doin?' " He asks
curiously " Oh! Just texting Kiwi " You look at
him for a quick second while sling, as you look back to your phone. He was a little jealous

from hearing, now really jealous as you hear him huff. He takes your phone and powers it off, you sigh as he looks at you close in the eyes " Ame you're gay, why didn't you just say? " You rhymed. He sighed and stood up and said " Ohhh I don't know " He looks away as you stroke his back. " I'll help you Rus~ " He smiles as he immediately hugged you " Thank you so much ". " Mind if I keep the card, even though it's disgustingly perverted, it still means something " He nods as you both walk to a near by ice cream stand and got some ice cream.

 " Mind if I keep the card, even though it's disgustingly perverted, it still means something " He nods as you both walk to a near by ice cream stand and got some ice cream

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You were inside the car. You were sitting down as you were reading your book as the road made the tires crunch as it made your seat sway slowly from side it side. " y/n we're here! "Australia says he gets out of the car. You saw where you took you as you stopped out of the car and put your book on the car seat. You and him were out on the mountains as you saw him as Australia putting his hand out.

You gently put your hand in his as he guides you away to a picnic. You sit on the red and white checkered carpet, as you saw many string lights across the trees. You sit down in the blanket as he did the same, he gives hugs dinner which was ( Choose what it is ) You eat the food as you couldn't help but look at Australia. " Thank you so much for everything " you say while blushing. He scoots closer as he hands you a card, you saw aww as you read
The card. " sorry I'm not good with words " Australia says as he looks back to the sunset.

You giggled as you kissed his lips, he backs away as you immediately apologized. " I'm so sorry, I thought you maybe- " You were interrupted by him jumping on you and kissing your lips deeply. You moan as he went slower as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He slowly got off you as you lay down on his lap , he gets very flustered when you act cute. But instead he relaxed as you both laughed and talked about life, as you the sunset slowly goes down into the beautiful stary night.

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