🇷🇺🔞3 dirty thoughts 🔞🇩🇪🇺🇸🇫🇮

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The pic does not resemble the story, just the shipp part **

Russia's Fantasy~

Russia pulled Germany's arms and inserted his wet dick. " Aaah!~ Rus please, be gentAah!~ " Germany screamed begging Russia to be calmer with him. Russia ignored his mercy as he heard loud moans and screams from the country below him. He was wearing cute black long cat socks, and had cat ears and a collar around his neck. " Oh~ Russia!! It hurts! " He moaned aloud. " Too bad " Russia grinned as humped in him harder while pulling the rope that was fart he'd to Germany's neck, as he looked back at Russia choking on his moans. Russia slapped his ass then started biting his body everywhere. " Aah~ Rus I'm close " He said calmly " Don't cum yet " Russia commanded. After Germany holding it all in painfully. " Just a little longer baby~ " He said, after a few more hard pushes, Germany's eye vision began to blur as Russia screamed. " Now! " He said. As they both cummed on each other as they fell back on the bed. Russia started to lick Germany's body from to bottom as Germany groaned as he fell asleep, as Russia gave him one last wet kiss.

America was handcuffed to the bed bars as he then yelled " Russia!! " He yelled as a few tears escaped his eyes. Russia shushed him while dragging his finger down his lips. " You will enjoy this~ " Russia said inserting his large dick into the country below " Agh~ Oh~ " Ame screamed while shivering. Russia grabbed his hips and pulled him up while pushing his dick in and out of Ame's tight hole. " Daddy~ " Ame exclaimed making Russia smirk as he begun to pick up the speed. " My little Bitch " Russia sung, as Ame started now to enjoy it as he received hard bites from the bigger country. " Aah~ Harder!! " He begged, Russia went faster as he left a trail of saliva from his neck to his belly. Ame moaned with very hard push as Russia with one hand strangled his neck. Hearing chokes from wanting to breathe from Ame. As soon as they both hit their climax they cummed at the same time as Russia went down and licks his nipples while fiddling with the tip of Ame's dick. Ame was exhausted and then swiftly fell asleep as Russia kissed his cheek.

Finland felt his ass being lifted up as he saw Russia with a whip. Finland arms were tied up from the back as he had ropes around his legs he couldn't say anything as there was a gag in his mouth. He squeezed and tried to scream as Russia took out the gag. " RUSSIA WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU " He screamed. This made Russia mad as he slapped him in the face as he started crying. " Oh~ I'm sorry hon" Russia said while stroking Fin's cheek. With no warning Russia slipped his hard dick inside him as Finland started to scream while trying to resist. Russia held his neck down while humping him, as Russia bit his ass cheek then biting everywhere else on his body " Oh~ Aah~ Russia! Let me go " Finland moaned. Russia then said " I love how you think I'll let you go~ Especially when you beg it turns me on even more~ " He smiled while humping him fast to maximum speed and said " You're a such a hoe aren't you~ " He teased as Finland kept moaning and ignored his statements. Finland could feel the rope press against him hard, as his face turned red for being so tired. After Russia cummed the same time as Finland, as Russia saw Finland try to escape but grabbed the gag and put in his mouth and got some halothane and made Finland use it, as he slowly drifts to sleep as Russia gave him a kiss on the forehead.

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