🌀Sneaky Blue Eyes🌀

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It was that year, where everyone was acting like their age, and that you and Russia were 20. 20 the most exciting yet dangerous age ever, that's when everything changes and begins without you being prepared. You were in the mall going to go by some wooden paintings

For decorations to apply to your house. However you bumped in one of your friends, it was him, " Russia? " you asked looking back up at his face " Hey shortie~ " He said quietly. Oh were stunned from his reply, when he was 15-18 he was that person who was quiet, goth or emo-like. He was horny but really was not in the mood to try get it out of the way,

In fact, he didn't care much about anything. He cared about his friends, and family, but that's it " Wow you changed" You said looking up " and I see you didn't " He chuckled. You started to walk however he pulled you back as you got up out of his grip " Russia? " You asked confused " Come here I wanna whisper something " He said

Smirking, you sighed loud. And went up to him and closely put your ear against the distance of his mouth " I want cake, with Cherries high up " He said as you immediately backed away and quietly yelled " What the fu** Russia?! " He laughed and said " что? " He smiled " you can't just ughhhhh " You couldn't reply and just

Swiftly walked away, actually ran away. You existed the mall with a frown, he ran up and caught behind you and touched your shoulder while laughing " Omg y/n did you actually think I was serious?! " He asked. You mumbled something while slowly walking away, you walked into an alleyway that lead to the

Bus station however you felt him grabbed your back collar and swiftly pulled you to his embrace. You blushed and said " please let go " you pleaded as he turns you around and placed his Ushanka on your head, you then asked " huh? " As he grinned " you look cute~ see you later shortie " He said as he walked away.

" Russia wait!! " you Called out, he comes back to you as you said " I forgot to tell you something " He raised his eyebrow and asked " what? " " you're so much like Ame now, gosh you might be his twin, see you later palm tree " You said walking away. He stood there not believing what you said

" y/n " He said as you slowly turned around " да? " You asked with a smile. " would Ame have the balls to do this? " He said as he kissed your lips. He pulled back and looked at you while crossing his arms, you looked at him in shock as he then grinned. " come to my place? " you asked while blushing.

He was a little surprised but then nodded, you both walked to the bus stop and waited, after 4 minutes of silence you saw the bus you were meant to get on as you both entered the bus. After the bus trip and waking to your house you opened the door and pushed him inside. He

Stumbled however managed to keep balanced. You laughed and took off your shoes while closing the door, you sat on the sofa and told him to sit down. He did so and as you flicked the TV remote he asks " You love me? " He smiled as you looked back  at him and slowly nodded " you're so sneaky, a sneaky man with

Beautiful blue eyes " You said softly as he blushed. You leaned towards him as he started to lay down with you being on top, you throw your jacket away revealing your tight black singlet, while wearing your black high jean shorts. He placed his two hands on each of your thighs and squeezed them tight.

You got off as you tucked your legs in " I'm so sorry are you okay?? " He asked getting up " oh ya in fine, it's just, I have sensitive spots, e-especially my thighs " You said stuttering. He smiled and opened his arms and said " I'll be gentle " You smiled back nervously

As you climb back on top of him and resting your head on his chest. You sighed relief as he asked " jeez, have you ever relaxed " He asked as you shake your head. He pulls you in tight and hugs you while squishing one of your thighs gently. He grinned and kissed your
head, you look back up

At him, he blushed due to seeing your cute face. " you do love me? " You teased as you kissed his lips, he pulled you in close not letting you go. You didn't expect this and tried to pull away but it was no use, instead you found yourself enjoying it, you put your arm around his neck while with other, stroking his head.

He pulled away, leaving a thick string of saliva connecting to each of your mouths, he smiled and breaks the string with his finger as he then grabs you by your shoulder and bites your neck " Ah!!~ " you moaned loud as he stopped and looks at you " sorry " He blushed after hearing you moan. You said it was alright as you lay back down, this

Time he doesn't interrupt the comfortable moment and cuddled you close. You both watched the show, Geiger it wasn't very interesting. The only thing you both were thinking about what the amazing moment, but was still scared to ask for more. But this cuddle is good as well, In fact , it was snore relaxing.

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