Here and again.. // 🇩🇪Germany🇩🇪

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You were close friends with Germany.
He was your pal, your friend or mate.

But there was one thing you could always talk to him about and that

Was struggles/problems with mental stability in working. You loved him

Very much for that because he understood, it was not embarssing.

So one day you both decided to meet near by a library, you got out of a taxi.

and stood there on the ground and looked up from your phone, you saw

Germany wave to you with his hand, his green eyes shining and his

glasses reflection the sun, you liked his outfit. A black sweater and

Some black jeans were a nice combination, but you noticed his calm

Expression which made you feel better. You smiled and walked

towards him " Guten tag y/n " He said calmly as you giggled " Hello

Germany, how are you? " You asked as he smiled back with a tint of blush.

" Gut, and you? " He asked as you said good and nodded. You both

Turned your view away from eachother as you walked towards

The door of the library. He opens the door for you as you laughed and said

Thank you, he bowed jokingly as you both strated to walk to a free open

Desk. While walking he puts a hand on your shoulder Making you blush.

You both sat down next to each other in the seats as you both started to

work. You were working on high school work sh!t as you struggled to

Figgure out the 4th question. You thought hard on what it could be

, However Your mind thought of nothing and acted like white noise.

The only thing that appeared was automatic tears and sobs that

Came out of reflex and disappointed response. You didn't realize it at

First until you rubbed your eyes and face as you leaned across the table

While resting your cheeks on the palm of your hands as you sobbed

and realized and couldn't stop the urges and stinging pain of the inside

of your body and your noses starting to hurt or sting. You started to cry

as Germany heard and looked over to you and immediately puts his own

and book down. He moves his chair closer to you and rubs your back

As well as he touches your arm as you tried to stop crying. He moves you

Closer to him and hugs you and lifts your chin to see your beautiful

Eyes soaked in tears, he wipes them away and asked kindly " What's

The matter y/n? " He asked as his question echoed through your ears

into your head as his words volumed into your feelings. His voice and tone

Made it sound more, gentle you pull away gently and sighed as he looked

At you and frowned " I'm so sorry i can be like this, Ger " You said as he

Said " Hey hey, it's ok come here and talk to me " He smiled as you smiled

Back. You then did a long sigh and said " sometimes I don't like looking

at people who are smarter than me in many ways, because I know that I will

never have the potential to be the smartest that I could be. Like others "

you Said as you as Germany touched your hand gently and rubbed it with

his thumb " Oh y/n there's no need to feel that way. You are very smart

In ways you cannot see because your eyes avoids the things you can do,

Because the things you see when other people achieve things that you

Haven't is because your eyes tell you what you haven't done yet, instead

Of focusing on the things you have achieved and how far you've come "

He said as you smiled and hugged him tight and kissed the top of your head.

and rubs your back " I'm so proud of you " He said as you blushed and

smiled. You kissed his nose and said " Thank you so much Germany "

You said and looked into his green eyes. His smiled so pure and kind

,he was wise. He was yours, not just a an assistance but your close friend

You laughed as he then asked " Study for 10 and go home? " He asked

As you nodded, after working for 10 more minutes you both finally went

Home together, you both went to his house and just.....Cuddled.


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