Hachoo! // 🇸🇪SwedFin🇫🇮

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Sweden waited at the house, he was waiting for Finland to get back from a walk in the park. He was a little worried because the day he went out to walk was very cold, he went out alone and a little late. Sweden sat down on the large big sofa, playing on his phone, he waited for at least another hour. When he noticed he was now becoming annoyed, he decided to

Call him " Finland!! Where are you, you were supposed to be back an hour ago, dinner is literally cold " He said as Finland replied with " Ye *snif* D-did you *snif* eat a-already? " He asked in a ill tone " Yes..... you're sick aren't you? " Sweden said with a serious, boring tone. Finland then yelled " Quiet!! I'm almost home, be back in 2 minutes " He said as

Sweden hung up. " Fryst råtta " Sweden mumbled as he continued to play on his phone. After 10 minutes of waiting, Finland opened the door as Sweden said calmly " 8 minutes la- " Sweden was about to continue giving a lecture however stopped when he saw Finland's face. Finland's face was red, his nose was runny and his eyes look

sluggish. Sweden was patient, however has standards and gets annoyed when people are not following their own comprehensions, however he was still a lovely, fun and a caring type of person. Sweden got up from the couch and threw his phone on it and ran up to Finland who looked like he was about to faint,

Finland touched his fluffy collar and smiled while saying " Ahaha, you look like a drunk Santa!! " He said as Finland sneezed " Hachoo! " He exclaimed as Sweden patted his back " There there, have some soup " He said guiding him to sit on the chair near the table. Finland sat down as Sweden grabbed heated up a warm pad(?) to place on his head.

While Finland ate his soup, Sweden grabs his hat and puts the pack on head, he placed Finland's hat back on gently as Finland mumbled something that was impossible to understand. After eating Finland got up and took his bowl to the sink and walked to the couch while falling face flat on the sofa.
Sweden laughed and walked up to the

Couch and sat on it while stroking Finland's arm, he heard a loud muffled groan. Finland turned around and laid on his stomach while groaning, his eyes closed. He held into Sweden by his waist, Sweden blushed a little and found it strange and weird to why he was acting like his, surely it wasn't because he was sick. But at the same time, Sweden enjoyed the affection he gave him.

Sweden didn't think about getting a cold by being so close to him. However he was distracted by his adorable sleeping, Sweden touched his forehead and carefully got off of him as he puts a pillow under his head and covered him a pink fluffy blanket. While looking at him, he puts down a hot drink and sets it on the table and sat down carefully on the couch. He takes a sip but

Before he could take another, he felt his eyes become heavy and sleepy, he puts the mug down and lays down on the other side of the couch, with his legs slightly tucked it. He rested his head by is arms that rested on the arm rest, he felt comfy for some reason. After at least an hour and a half, Finland woke up, scratching his head as his hat fell off. He rubbed his eye and looked to his right to see

Sweden fast asleep on the couch he was on, Finland saw he had no blanket, he quietly lifted him up and carefully puts himself under him as he steps him down on top. Finn smiles at himself then grabs the pink blanket and throws it over both of them. He rested his head on the pillow that was on the arm rest as he pulled Sweden up closer to him, making sure he had

Warmth and was cozy and comfortable. Which he assume he was since he then hugs Finland by his waist tightly as he smiled and blushed, Finland smiled back as he puts his arms around his back and neck as he lets his eyes become heavy and dazed off into a deep sleep while his friend or very close friend Sweden enjoy the dream he was in while he slept on top of him, all comfy.

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